00776: Blank Pages When Using Cookbook

Summary: Blank Pages When Using Cookbook
Created: 2006-07-23 14:07
Status: Open
Category: Bug
From: Sigil?
Version: 2.1
OS: Linux 2.6.14/PHP 4.4.0

Description: This only happens when I add things to the cookbook--and not everything. As an example, it happens with the commentbox stuff, as well as the sectionedit stuff, and so on. When I do include_once() in the local config.php file, it simply returns a blank page when I load pmwiki. It's similar to something on the list, but different as it only happens when I add stuff to the cookbook--and not everything.

I've had that happen. I think I tracked it down to a missing semi-colon in mys case (which can be a common problem for those of us who I cut and paste our include statements from the recipe). Pico July 24, 2006, at 05:42 PM