00790: AntiVandalism: Ability to reverse all changes to site by a given author, or since a given date

Summary: AntiVandalism: Ability to reverse all changes to site by a given author, or since a given date
Created: 2006-08-23 20:32
Status: Open
Category: Feature
From: Francis
Priority: 5
Version: 2

Description: For wikis which prefer the convenience of no edit password, the difficulty in reversing the occasional vandal attack could be eased by having a feature which allows one to reverse all the changes on the site since a certain time.

In a vandal attack we expereinced, one vandal was going through many pages and defacing them for about 2 hours before someone spotted him. We then locked down the site with an edit password, but had to go through and individually revert each page.

keywords: undo vandalism reverse changes since time