00844: Working for some wordpress intergration
Description: Hey I am running a wordpress blog, I am a pretty advanced PHP (& java but irrelivant) programmer, and I love PmWiki. I love the whole philosophy, application orginization structure, everything.. I program alot in PHP and I find myself striving for most of the same goals as you guys. I only mentioned I am a programmer though so I do not sound like some crazy who wants an easy fix for making his WP look like PmWiki (they can be found in great numbers @ #wordpress)
I have been working with wordpress for a while, and I am trying to find a quick and easy solution for quick-intergration of PmWiki and wordpress. I started off simple and ran into a few errors: NOTE: keep in mind if I feel this intergration is noteworthy I will publicly release some sort of intergration to the WP and PmWiki community
1. Attempt: I tried the laziest solution first, made a custom Page template and used the good ol' include() technique to pain-free grab the pmwiki.php file (I made my skin in PW first to match my blog then removed some parts of it so I just go the content(footer and header removed more or less)) Error: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\Blog\wp-content\themes\tarski-111\sidebar_libr.php:3) in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\Blog\wp-content\themes\tarski-111\wiki\pmwiki.php on line 885 - I looked into the code of PW breifly and I think that if I tinkered with the function housing all the header() 2. Attempt: make a PW skin with the head sectiom matching the WP theme's rendered header.php code, for example. I could not directly put any PHP into the template file so I vieweed my blog, basically cut and pasted (kinda tweaked) the source code I got from the browsers view source feature in Mozilla Problem: If I ever change anything in the header of my theme's template (which will very likely happen), I need to start over updating the PHP's outputed HTML code in the wikis temp which is very tedious work....
Like I said, I am just using these simple quick tricks to see if I can even go anywhere with this, or if I will have to research ALOT of the PW sourcecode and make some serious modifications to work wtih just my blog
give me some feedback and suggestions, preferably those of you who know how WP software runs and how it uses template files ect.. ect..
Thanks -Vas Kaloidis, orbstra-(Att)-gmail-d0t-com (gota hate spam)