00877: allow guiedit buttons to work with other fields besides 'text'

Summary: allow guiedit buttons to work with other fields besides 'text'
Created: 2007-02-05 09:19
Status: Open
Category: Feature
Priority: 2
Version: 2,2

Description: Currently the guiedit buttons only work with the form element whose id is 'text', because that value is hard-coded into the insMarkup function of /pub/guiedit/guiedit.js.

If that value were passed as a parameter to the insMarkup function instead, then guiedit buttons would be free to apply to other form elements -- for example ZAP forms, FOX forms, or any other textarea that can accept markup.

The value could be passed in the (:e_guiedit:) markup like so: (:e_guiedit foo:)(:textarea foo:). If no element id were specified, it would continue to default to 'text'.