00917: [[PITS/Page lists]] to be able to create [[PITS/wiki trails]]
Description: From pmwiki-users initiated by Christophe [1]
On Fri, Apr 06, 2007 at 10:20:57PM +0200, Roman wrote:
> [[#trailindex]] > (:if equal {$FullName} {=$FullName}:)<< [[{<$FullName}|+]] | > [[{=$FullName}|+]] | [[{>$FullName}|+]] >>(:if:) > [[#trailindexend]]
This is so incredibly useful and obvious (in hindsight) that I think it ought to be in the core Site.PageListTemplates.
Then people can do (:pagelist fmt=#trail:)
and have a trail built
from a pagelist.
We could even develop a faster fmt=trail version (no #) that avoids the need to process a long list of records just to output a single line.
I don't know if the question of wikitrail reading dynamic lists was ever resolved. However, using Hans's PowerTools and WikiSh together you can easily create a static pagelist. If this pagelist uses the format above then you've created the wikitrail.
Note the example creating a static pagelist at WikiShExamples#StaticPageListB and then creating the WikiTrail itself in a different fashion at WikiShExamples#MakeWikiTrail.