00954: Ubuntu Linux doesn't show monospaced font in textareas

Summary: Ubuntu Linux doesn't show monospaced font in textareas
Created: 2007-07-20 21:09
Status: Closed - Added in 2.2.0-beta63
Category: Bug
From: HaganFox
Priority: 5
Version: 2.2.0-beta61
OS: various

Description: Certain Linux distributions, notably Ubuntu, are displaying the default browser font in textareas instead of a monospaced font because they lack a Courier font by default. This can be remedied by changing

pre, code { font-family:'Lucida Console','Andale Mono','Courier New',Courier; }


pre, code { font-family:'Lucida Console','Andale Mono','Courier New',Courier;monospace; }

in the default stylesheet.

The monospace fallback was originally omitted intentionally. IIRC the reason was for compatibility with an old version of Safari. A recent browsercam test revealed no Safari compatibility problem "monospace" in place.