00970: Table Formatting: THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT

Summary: Table Formatting: THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT
Created: 2007-09-02 15:36
Status: Open
Category: Feature
From: Mizery?
Priority: 5555
Version: 2.2.0-beta63
OS: linux Apache Version 1.3.33 PHP Version 4.3.11


 This mod is complete / functional

 Files modified: pmwiki.php
  • Functions modified: FormatTableRow() (lines 1314, 1317, 1326, 1327 & 1341), PZZ() (line 379)
  • Variable Arrays modified: $BlockMarkups (line 278)

Reason for modification: Change SimpleTables format of



<table class="wikisimpletable">

to account for formatting tables using thead, tbody, tfoot as noted at http://w3schools.com/html/html_tables.asp

Example of what can be done when using such modifications: http://flyffchat.info/testingtable.html

 original pmwiki.php:modifications
278  'table' => array("<table width='100%'>",'','</table>',0));   'table' => array("<table width='100%' class='wikisimpletable'>",'','</tbody></table>',0));
379function PZZ($x,$y='') { return ''; } function PZZ($x,$y=) { $tt=;return ''; }
1312function FormatTableRow($x, $sep = '\\|\\|') {
1313  global $Block, $TableCellAttrFmt, $MarkupFrame, $TableRowAttrFmt,
1314     $TableRowIndexMax, $FmtV;      $TableRowIndexMax, $FmtV, $tt;
1315  static $rowcount;
1316  $x = preg_replace("/$sep\\s*$/",'',$x);
1317  $td = preg_split("/$sep/", $x); $y = '';   $td = preg_split("/$sep/", $x); $y = ''; if ($tt == 'tbody') $tt='e'; //e for end - outside of for loop on function call after var is set to prevent further 'tbody'
1318  for($i=0;$i<count($td);$i++) {
1319    if ($td[$i]=='') continue;
1320    $FmtV['$TableCellCount'] = $i;
1321    $attr = FmtPageName(@$TableCellAttrFmt, '');
1322    $td[$i] = preg_replace('/^(!?)\\s+$/', '$1 ', $td[$i]);
1323    if (preg_match('/^!(.*?)!$/',$td[$i],$match))
1324      { $td[$i]=$match[1]; $t='caption'; $attr=''; }
1325    elseif (preg_match('/^!(.*)$/',$td[$i],$match))
1326      { $td[$i]=$match[1]; $t='th'; }       { $td[$i]=$match[1]; $t='th'; $tt='thead'; }
1327    else $t='td';     else { $t='td'; $tt='tbody'; }
1328    if (preg_match('/^\\s.*\\s$/',$td[$i])) { $attr .= " align='center'"; }
1329    elseif (preg_match('/^\\s/',$td[$i])) { $attr .= " align='right'"; }
1330    elseif (preg_match('/\\s$/',$td[$i])) { $attr .= " align='left'"; }
1331    for ($colspan=1;$i+$colspan<count($td);$colspan++)
1332      if ($td[$colspan+$i]!='') break;
1333    if ($colspan>1) { $attr .= " colspan='$colspan'"; }
1334    $y .= "<$t $attr>".trim($td[$i])."</$t>";
1335  }
1336  if ($t=='caption') return "<:table,1>$y";
1337  if (@$MarkupFrame[0]['cs'][0] != 'table') $rowcount = 0; else $rowcount++;
1338  $FmtV['$TableRowCount'] = $rowcount + 1;
1339  $FmtV['$TableRowIndex'] = ($rowcount % $TableRowIndexMax) + 1;
1340  $trattr = FmtPageName(@$TableRowAttrFmt, '');
1341  return "<:table,1><tr $trattr>$y</tr>";   if ($tt=='thead') return "<:table,1><$tt><tr $trattr>$y</tr></$tt>";
added   else if ($tt=='tbody') return "<:table,1><$tt><tr $trattr>$y</tr>";
added   else return "<:table,1><tr $trattr>$y</tr>";

So as to avoid results like http://flyffchat.info/testingtablewrong.html in which each row of <tr><td></td>...</tr> gets its own tbody, I had to find a place to add code upon each table beginning. I used PZZ function (which appears to do nothing). It is called for other tasks unrelated to beginning of new SimpleTables, but it seems to be a good place to clear the $tt var. Once $tt var is set to 'tbody', upon the next call of the FormatTableRow function, it is set to 'e' to prevent further inclusion of </tbody> on any further rows. The final </tbody> tag has been included in line 278.

function PZZ, even though unrelated, and seems to do nothing at all, is called from file stdmarkup.php line 379 each time a new simple table code is parsed. I modified that function to produce the results I was looking for.