00974: Category link in non-English text

Summary: Category link in non-English text
Created: 2007-09-10 05:01
Status: Closed, enabled in 2.3.0
Category: Bug
Priority: 555
Version: 2.1.27
OS: Linux/Apache 2.2.4/PHP 5.2.3

Description: The category link markup doesn't mimic the behaviour of the link markup, which creates problems in non-English scripts in URL encoding. The suggested solution would be

[[!Some Category|Some Category name with diacritics]]

Some Category name with diacritics

Here is an example of this inconsistency:





Maybe we should have it work like normal links, e.g. [[!Île-de-France]] -> [[Catégorie/Île-de-France]] ("Category" localized too). --Petko June 02, 2021, at 04:39 PM