01020: using Mailhide free spam protection from http://recaptcha.net

Summary: using Mailhide free spam protection from http://recaptcha.net
Created: 2008-04-16 19:52
Status: Open
Category: Cookbook
From: wasim?
Priority: 4
Version: 2.2 beta

Description: Hi Everyone,

I came across this by chance and I wonder if it's better than the current Protect Email cookbook. Basically I think it shows part of the email and encrypts the rest using an encryption key. You need to enter one of two captchas if you want to see the whole address. Libraries are available in PHP and ready made plugins are available for many web systems including WordPress and MediaWiki. I know Perl which needs CGI support I don't know PHP so I can't do a cookbook for it myself.

Thank you, wasim