01035: GraynessSkin's CSS produces Sidebar formatting issues in IE
Description: This is a CSS formatting issue affecting both the UL and A elements in the wiki Sidebar.
Reference: http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/GraynessSkin
2.2 (2007-07-31)
The wiki Sidebar looks fine in Firefox: no bullets, and compact. In Internet Explorer 6 the wiki Sidebar's unordered lists display the bullet images, and have huge padding between each item (list items appear double-spaced).
This issue was locally remedied by editing grayness.css as follows (original problem code is commented out; corrective code is so denoted):
- pageleft ul {
/*list-style: none;*/ list-style-type: none; /*corrective*/ list-style-image: none; /*corrective*/ }
- pageleft a {
/*display: block;*/ text-align: left; }
With these changes GraynessSkin is now completely attractive in both Firefox and IE.