01070: Create an infrastructure in the core like editfunctions for transformations in the whole output generated by pmwiki
After some thinking I realized that all I described bellow, could also be done as a recipe, so I`m closing my own feature request.
Description: Create the infrastructure we have for "action=edit" with editfunctions array, to be used for trasnformations in the whole output.
Tidy is installed in some of the servers I use and it can make some interesting transformations in the output, including, but not limited to:
- transform any given html version to any other: 3.2, 4,0, 4.1, xhtml 1.1 and xml.
- fix mistyped/badly generated html tags, css ...
- Missing or mismatched end tags, mixed up tags
- Adding missing items (some tags, quotes, ...)
- Reporting proprietary HTML extensions
- Change layout of markup to predefined style
- Transform characters from some encodings into HTML entities
Probably others...
It can also be used for legacy browsers that doesn't render right, normal html depending on nesting and other cenarios as in the case of some mac ie browsers as it was find out here in (Working Examples/Markup), so a recipe could be made for it as I think tidy doesn't support it.
We can also make recipes to create:
- "txt" only output like Trac (including pagelist output)
- transformation to other markups would be more simple
- a translation recipe using google translation services
Probably others...
I think new recipes could be made with it that will make PmWiki compatible with legacy browsers, fix output, transform output, export it to new formats and a lot new recipes could be made with it that will make output manipulation and transformation easier.