01124: if false markup does not work as expected
Summary: if false markup does not work as expected
Created: 2009-07-23 09:26
Status: Closed - not a bug
Category: Bug
Priority: 4
Version: 2.2.2
OS: Solaris/Apache2/PHP5
Description: http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/CommentMarkup#sourcecomment
"if false" markup as described does not work in this block:
(:if false:) (:if ontrail {*$Group}.UserGuide#trailstart#trailend {*$Name}:) (:showright:) (:ifend:) (:ifend:) (:include MERTSPlus.GroupFooter#trailstart#trailend:)
I would only expect the include to be parsed...but the (:if ontrail) statement is also executed, and should be skipped entirely.
The (:if ontrail ...:)
conditional will terminate the first (:if false:)
conditional. What you're trying to do is nesting conditions; the following should work as expected in your case. —Eemeli Aro July 23, 2009, at 09:52 AM
(:if false:) (:if2 ontrail {*$Group}.UserGuide#trailstart#trailend {*$Name}:) (:showright:) (:if2end:) (:ifend:) (:include MERTSPlus.GroupFooter#trailstart#trailend:)