01129: search broken on pmwiki.org site itself.
Summary: search broken on pmwiki.org site itself.
Created: 2009-07-29 15:11
Status: Closed
Category: Skin
From: ChristianRoy?
Priority: 1
Version: Unknown
OS: Unknown
Description: When I go to this page: Skins.DropDown
I see a search box at the top left. When I use that search box, I get the following error:
http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki?pagename=Main%2FSearchWiki&q=test The page "Main/SearchWiki" doesn't exist. Create Main.SearchWiki.
This is a skin problem, not a PmWiki problem. The problem needs to be addressed to the skin author. I suggest that you try the skin in your own environment and see if the problem still exists. Then contact the author or leave a comment on the Skins.DropDown page.
simon July 30, 2009, at 12:07 AM