01222: Multiple folders to store wiki page files on a single site
Description: i am building a large wiki site and the initial site is 768 pages. it will easily need to go over 1000 pages once extra stuff starts getting added. only problem is that my webhost only allows 1000 files per folder, thus the wiki.d folder will easily fill up. i had considered making multiple wiki installs for the sake of getting around this issue, but that seems a bit over complicated since that means copying user auths and many cross links. plus the search wont work then.
it would be nice if there was a way to make multiple wiki.d folders to store the pages in to get around per-folder file quantity limits imposed by webhosts.
See PerGroupSubDirectories. If this meets your need, go ahead and change the status on this to closed... —Peter Bowers September 10, 2010, at 10:43 AM
thank you peter, that will do nicely zaroba