01225: HTTP_HOST may not always be the proper public URL (HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST)
Summary: HTTP_HOST may not always be the proper public URL (HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST)
Created: 2010-09-24 11:25
Status: Open
Category: Feature
From: Profiles
Priority: 2
Version: 2.2.18
OS: AS/400 / Apache / 5.2.13
Description: Sometimes the public facing web server forwards a request to another CGI process or another internal Web server. In this case, pmwiki will use the environment variable $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], which will reflect the internal process/server. Checking for the value HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST is a quick fix which will expand the install base for default setups without any extra configuration.
I tried setting $ScriptUrl
in local/config.php and this resulted in no change to the output file. Changing pmwiki.php was the only solution which would give me the proper URLs for css and image media.
} else {