01239: add pages=comma-sepparated-list-of-pages param to pagelist

Summary: add pages=comma-sepparated-list-of-pages param to pagelist
Created: 2011-01-06 04:04
Status: Closed - exists
Category: Feature
Priority: 3
Version: latest

Description: To add support of a 'pages=list-of-comma-separated-pages' param to the pagelist syntax. To limit the list/search process to those pages.

How to :

Asimple way could be modify the function PageListSources() of pagelist.php , and just add

 if (@$opt['pages']) $list=explode(",",$opt['pages']);

before the final return.

That's handy when you already have a list of pages to be listed/searched (just like a trail, but in code, for example in a PV or PTV).

This feature exists, only the parmeter is name=list-of-comma-separated-pages and not pages= , see example below. --Petko January 06, 2011, at 08:12 AM

(:pagelist group=PITS name=01000,01200,01239 order=-name:)
01239  add pages=comma-sepparated-list-of-pages param to pagelist (Closed - exists)
01200  Charset hardcoded in $HTTPHeaders (Closed - replied)
01000  ?action=crypt fails with CleanUrls enabled (Closed)

OK. The name parameter allows the group.name notation!. thanks.

It also allows wildcards such as *.Name,Group.N*, and allows you to exclude pages -ExcludedPage*. --Petko January 18, 2011, at 01:49 PM