01290: Pagelists to handle internal intermap links

Summary: Pagelists to handle internal intermap links
Created: 2012-07-14 16:50
Status: Open
Category: Feature
From: simon
Priority: 4
Version: 2.2

Description: Allow the name parameter of a pagelist to process internal InterMap links, eg Cookbook: and PmWiki:. The intermap format should be retained in {=$FullName} variables in Page List Templates

Intermap links to pmwiki.org work as internal links on pmwiki.org (for existing pages, backlinks, trails...). But on another wiki, the same pagelist will not automatically list the Cookbook pages (and some PmWiki/ pages), if they are not copied to that new wiki. So, if in the documentation we want to link pages to the cookbook, we need to use links, and not pagelists which only list existing pages in the given wiki. --Petko July 14, 2012, at 05:59 PM

Understood, but it would be good if we did not have to know which PmWiki: pages are in the distribution (since there is no attribute, variable, list, or category that marks this - is there?), and pagelists could generate the correct list. Thanks. --simon July 14, 2012, at 10:24 PM

(:pagelist fmt=#titlesummary order=name name=Skins/SkinAlternative,Skins/SkinGuidelines :)

* [[Skins:Skin Alternative]] [- - {Skins.SkinAlternative$:Summary}-]
* [[Skins:Skin Guidelines]] [- - {Skins.SkinGuidelines$:Summary}-]
  • SkinAlternative   Skin your pages within your wiki itself, rather than using downloadable skins
  • Skin Guidelines   A set of tips for skin design and packaging skins for distribution

If we use intermap links instead of pagelists, we do not have to know which PmWiki: pages are in the distribution. I added a small gray star before the "View" action on pages from the default installation. --Petko July 15, 2012, at 03:25 AM