01370: List the features that would make a great mobile wiki platform
Summary: List the features that would make a great mobile wiki platform
Created: 2015-06-25 16:54
Status: Open
Category: Other
From: RandyB
Priority: 3
Description: Let's identify what features and changes to the core would make PmWiki the world's first great mobile wiki platform. It's probably a bigger evolution than just providing a better skin for mobile devices (PITS:01369).
This opinion piece in the June 20, 2015 New York Times (http://nyti.ms/1K1eHKn), which suggests that even Wikipedia is at risk from the movement toward mobile computing, may provide some motivation to stretch our imaginations. - RandyB June 25, 2015, at 04:58 PM
There is a lot of related material in RoadMap-Talk.
In additional to the roadmap?:
- header and footer content as wiki pages (rather than defined in template)
- sidebar that on a mobile device can be swiped (left/right) in and out
- header and footer that can be swiped in and out
- contents explicit in template or wiki pages, rather than generated at run-time
- e.g. where possible CSS to be in files, and thus maintainable by webmasters rather than generated by recipes (and only maintainable by authors)
- e.g. when PmWiki generates the content substituted in the template after
it adds a further<div id=wikitext>
, the div itself should be in the template
- use relative sizing everywhere (i.e. rem, vh, and vw, vmin, and vmax)
- ubiquitous section edit
- wiki as a single page website (implies lots of ajax)
- ability to roll up any section (as defined by headings) or swipe away
- case insensitive
- wysisyg (may imply a clean up of syntax to make consistent)
simon June 26, 2015, at 11:14 PM
See also
- 01137 Key PmWiki Features on the front page
- 01265 New homepage and default skin ideas
- 01369 Make PmWiki's default skin pass Google's mobile-friendly test
- RoadMap Possible 'future states' for the next few releases of PmWiki
- Feuille de route
- Improving PmWiki road map Preliminary thoughts and discussion for PmWiki 2011 version 3?