01511: the use of scripts in config.php

Summary: the use of scripts in config.php
Created: 2024-08-19 01:55
Status: Closed, added for 2.3.37.
Category: Feature
From: simon
Priority: 3

Description: A number of recipes have become a part of the "built-in" PmWiki core. These recipes are now enabled using a configurable variable.

There are a number of previously "build-in" recipes that would also benefit from this treatment.

This feature suggestion is to replace the need to use include_once(ScriptName) with a configuration variable, e.g. $EnableScriptName.

The following scripts come to mind:


Good idea, added for 2.3.37, except for xlpage-utf-8.php which needs to be included early in config.php. --Petko