Content of PLCalDemo/20150502:
TestVar: ValueofTestVar
Path to PLCalDemo/20150502 with reference to page text variable "TestVar" (successfully generated using ftime):
PLCalDemo/{(ftime fmt='%Y0502')}$:TestVar |
PLCalDemo/20250502$:TestVar |
Current value of page text variable "TestVar" in calendar page (successfully retrieved using ftime):
{PLCalDemo/{(ftime fmt='%Y0502')}$:TestVar} |
Conditional markup evaluating "TestVar", using ftime (unsuccessful; should return "True"):
(:if equal "{PLCalDemo/{(ftime fmt='%Y0502')}$:TestVar}" "ValueofTestVar":) True (:else:) False (:if2end:) |
False |
Conditional markup evaluating "TestVar", using static URL instead of ftime (successful):
(:if equal "{PLCalDemo/20150502$:TestVar}" "ValueofTestVar":) True (:else:) False (:if2end:) |
True |
If using "if exists" instead of "if equal", everything works fine with ftime:
(:if exists PLCalDemo/{(ftime fmt='%Y0502')}:) True (:else:) False (:if2end:) |
False |