PmWiki /
Are you using PmWiki? Feel free to add your wiki site to the list below, and to our PmWikiUsers-Map! If you want to describe even more about how PmWiki is working for you, add it to Success Stories!
ForHire lists some people who design sites, install PmWiki, administer, etc., for a fee.
(All links on this page open in a new browser window or tab.)
Commercial sites
- Philtech Wiki — using the Vector skin.
- Scenes from a Hat — SFAH is the only weekly improv comedy TV show in Minnesota, USA; our PmWiki site uses the Vanilla5 skin (domain is available for purchase).
- GASSI-TV pet web tv — German-language. URL exsists, but HTML source ist totaly empty (17.02.2025)
- Virtual Group — business specialists based in Wellington, New Zealand (13 April 2005).
- Cloud'N' — algorithms-as-a-Service.
- SophiaJobs Blog — Sophia jobs / search and apply for jobs in the UK.
Government / military
- Canadian Air Force intranet sites — PmWiki is used on a variety of private intranet sites not accessible from the public internet. The link is to a screen capture of one such site: an online repository for the Communications and Electronics Engineering Air Operations Command, Control and Information Services Course. PmWiki has been styled to conform to the latest version of the Government of Canada Common Look and Feel Guidelines for the Internet.
- Netherlands Patent Office intranet site — PmWiki is used on the private intranet site not accessible externally. The site uses single sign-on, an LDAP integrated phone book, and several other cookbook recipes.
Medical / healthcare
- American Physicians, Inc. — we are a hospitalist group based in Arizona, USA. We use PmWiki for our private intranet and are very pleased with it. It is intelligently laid out and very extensible.
- Dr Toolbox — a platform and a mobile app in the United Kingdom allowing medical professionals to find, add, and update information about their work in their hospital, and share it with their teams. (Created and maintained by Petko, core developer of PmWiki).
Game sites
- CTP2 Apolyton Edition Modding Wiki — for documentation on the extended and improved modding capabilities introduced to the PC strategy game Call To Power 2 through modification of it's source code, which has been released into public domain (well at least: sort of) by manufacturer Activision two years ago :) The wiki is part of CTP2 Bureau - The Modding Knowledgebase (30 March 2006).
- EmuWiki — a site on the emulators and the old games/computers.
- Project Nemo — Project Nemo: Translating Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere to English.
- Front Mission Translation Project — Front Mission Translation Project and Front Mission Wiki.
Hobby sites
- SW City Builders Academy — resource for help with building in the Active Worlds 3D virtual universe.
- SW City Encyclopedia — comprehensive encyclopedia describing details of SW City, a city within the Active Worlds 3D virtual universe.
- Classic SF — a database of science fiction and fantasy stories, stand-alone and series and their authors, editors and compilers.
Education / research
- — compendium of 'How Nature Works'.
- — a free world history.
- — RedEscuela Community is a place to share educational content speaking. Currently Google Analytics shows over 1200 hits a day (until August 2012).
- Helsinki University of Technology Department of Automation and Systems Technology, with subsidiary sites and, as well as over a dozen intranet sites.
- Psychology 2.0 — a new approach to the science of psychology based on web 2.0 tools. Not only a new method of posting and evaluating human related articles, but including the outlines of a new paradigm for psychology. You can read, write and VOTE.
- ITGSwiki — a CAC high school collaborative resource project specifically for I.B. 'Information in a Global Society' subject.
- FAMe Frankfurt — a German research group interested in anthropology and media - Forschungsnetzwerk Anthropologie des Medialen.
- McGrath Computer Learning Center, University of South Carolina Aiken.
- Demotech, design for self-reliance — how to overcome cultural restraints and take initiatives in developing technology, specially related to poverty and environmental decay.
- Toposcopie — open source method to describe reality, in French.
- Verbix — dedicated to verbs.
- Siepedia — astronomical software support at IAC, in Spanish.
- — dedicated to knowledge in Electric Engineering in STS, Annemasse, France.
- Philo-Labo — Philosophy IANs Laboratory; an experimental wiki for using and sharing various resources.
- - A dedicated wiki about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Not much info here yet, brand new wiki. Username for access is "savetheoceans"
- Folk Lyrics UK — database of traditional English folk-songs (and other) lyrics, now with playable tunes and downloadable midi files.
- Kunstargumente — essays in critical theory of modern art, in German.
Non-profit and other groups
- — plateforme de développement et de promotion des échanges non-marchands et de la culture libre, in Freanch.
- — A collaborative platform to develop actionable blueprints for Global South Inclusivity in AI.
- North Texas Linux Users Group (NTLUG) — one of the largest and oldest Linux Users Groups.
- — a site about Ada (14 July 2005).
- Toyota MR2 Wiki — information on the Toyota MR2, DaveG (8 July 2005).
- — freeware extension for Microsoft Outlook Express.
- — public and private wiki of the Corebounce association (PHP error in July 2020)
- — encyclopedic information site on Joss Whedon's show Firefly.
- — group collaboration projects including a manual for people with multiple personalities BY people with multiple personalities.
- Rural Canyons Conservation Fund — promoting smart and reasonable growth in the development of rural areas (17 March 2004).
- — collaboration for DIY knowledge and sharing experience with opensource solar technology for solar greenhouses, self-reliant homes, Eco Villages and sustainable communities.
- TV Tropes Wiki — wiki about devices and conventions used in a variety of media. Note: this site no longer uses PmWiki in any way; the only trace that remains is in the URL. The source code shows an early version of PmWiki markup, but no code is in use.
- Alien Times — newsletter written by and for the foreign residents of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
- Trains of Turkey — all data regarding trains and railways in Turkey; this website existed has 6 years of existence and is being transformed into a wiki.
- NSLU2-Linux — development group and user community.
- Sargeliai community — a regional community website.
- Disability Clothesline — exposing violence and abuse of the disabled through personal stories drawn on T-shirts; New Zealand (November 2009).
- Macintosh User Group of Ottawa, Canada (MUGOO) — volunteer organisation that promotes and supports the use of Apple Macintosh computers, iPhones, iPods, and iPads.
- freiheitsfoo — open group on freedom and fundamental/human rights, especially within our more and more digitalised world (German language only, sorry!).
- — New York Linux Users Group Hacking Society Chapter/Coding Workshop (December 2013) Timeout in May 2020.
- — shared notes of all varieties of The Ekvastra team.
Sport clubs
- — Taekwondo club based in Hamburg, Germany, in German.
Projects / project management
- — Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.
- — website about tag based trade on the internet.
- — site for the LyX Document processor.
- — this PmWiki site.
- — Mac User Help Base (1 June 2004).
- X-Force: Fight For Destiny - Online Reference — online reference to X-Force: Fight For Destiny.
- — electronic musical devices.
Sourceforge projects
- AdaCL — Ada Class Library (20 July 2005).
- Qdig — Quick Digital Image Gallery - Qdig is an easy-to-use GPL-licensed image gallery script written in PHP (5 April 2004).
- Wikibook:Ada Programming — project management for Ada tutorial (16 July 2005).
Linux sites
- — Linux administration help and documentation site.
DOS sites
- Salamander - the Club Dr-DOS — unofficial Dr-DOS page which informs about Enhanced Dr-DOS, OpenDOS, Dr-DOS and FreeDOS.
- FreeDOS developer wiki — with blogs from FreeDOS developers.
- — Flox project site (projects: Sword - a GUI for DOS, Fast Fourier Transformation, ...), and personal site.
Cloud sites
General / unspecified sites by language
- — CarlosAB site (unreachable May 2020).
- — Jardim Digital Pessoal (personal Digital Garden).
- Projetos de Ensino de Física — learning physics project.
- — Opiniões pessoais sobre diversos assuntos (personal opinions on spread subjects).
- Accent Bulgaria — architecture and real estate consulting, uses PmWiki since at least March 2005, currently uses Mini and Maxi galleries, Ape embedding, DeObMail and a few custom addons (April 2019).
- — archive about Blaverism.
- Oliphant — medieval music ensemble from Finland (skin error in May 2020).
- - virtual tours in the region of Paris — a project by Petko, the core developer of PmWiki.
- Centre d'étude de la Forêt — a research centre interested to forest ecology.
- De Cape et de Crocs, le site non officiel
- Jehan's site — a personal site for my hobbies; astronomy, wind-power, PmWiki.
- Toposcopie — open source method to describe reality.
- — minimalistic website of the French architect, professor and journalist Marie Christine Gangneux. (Created and maintained by Petko, core developer of PmWiki.)
- - Spotting Group Gütersloh — Der Flugplatz Gütersloh von 1937 bis heute (3 July 2014)
- Bücher-Wiki — Ein Wiki zu Büchern und Literatur.
- Augsburg-Wiki — Ein Stadtwiki über Augsburg.
- becko's Eldar — die sich mit dem Thema Warhammer40k - Eldar beschäftigt.
- ElsniWiki — private knowledgebase about Gentoo Linux, computer hardware, software development, and some private interests like photography and fishing.
- Dr. Carola Roloff — personal website.
- Köln Krimis - Eifel Krimis — Cologne thrillers - Eifel thrillers.
- Monheimer-Strasse — Die inoffizielle Seite der Monheimer-Strasse in Köln / Cologne.
- — Private Homepage von Michael Engelke mit Schwerpunkt Amiga, Serien und verschiedener Computer-Projekte (Darunter auch PmWiki-Erweiterungen).
- — Private Homepage rund um technische Themen.
- Usenet ABC — Deutsches Usenet-Kompendium von Usern für User.
- attacDresdenWiki — Wiki der Dresdner attac-Regionalgruppe, Information über die Arbeitsgruppen und geplante Aktionen (26 June 2005).
- — Privates Wiki Familie Scholz Karlsruhe.
- — Das Wiki einer privaten Berliner Rennradgruppe als Ergänzung zur Yahoo!-Mailingliste.
- — Wiki als Archiv des Fußballvereins Stuttgarter Kickers.
- Tief Türkis — Website des Hamburger Pop-Duos 'Tief Türkis'.
- — seit ende 2005 bestehendes wiki, indem es um ein leben jenseits der geldlogik geht.
- Mit Linux in die Freiheit — Linux Argumentationswiki
- Bürgerstiftung Buno Helms — Die Bürgerstiftung Bruno Helms macht sich mit einem PmWiki in Halstenbek und der Region bekannt.
- Freiheitsfoo — Offene Gruppe rund um Freiheits- und Menschenrechte, insbesondere im 'Digitalen'.
- — Taekwondo club based in Hamburg, Germany.
- — website of the elementary school Niendorfer Straße (GSNS) in Norderstedt, Germany.
- — Website of the support association of the elementary school Niendorfer Straße in Norderstedt, Germany.
Hindi | हिन्दी
- — health facts in Hindi.
Hungarian (Magyar)
- — wiki of Kempelen Farkas High School.
- — knowledge base for students of economic sciences.
- — international library and editorial co-work organised from Hungary.
- Rally Reykjavik — for the Icelandic International Rally (motorsport).
- — Italian school site, a wiki-work in progress for students.
- — independent graphicexperimental revue.
- AGESCI - Gruppo Scout Pallanza 1 — a scout group from Verbania Pallanza (VB).
- Associazione Culturale Millenuvole.
- Elaborazione di Dati e Segnali Biomedici (ELDASEBI) — website of the class at the University 'La Sapienza' of Rome; College of Engineering (2 March 2007).
- EmuWiki — un sito sugli emulatori e sui vecchi giochi/computer.
- — personal site.
- — personal website - Sito personale.
- — personal and academic website.
- Konkyo — bilingual (Japanese/English) site; articles on faith and science translated into Japanese from a variety of sources.
- — private wiki for erin.js.lee, South Korea.
- — wiki del Programador Mexicano Pablo Monroy.
- AVIKT — personal wiki for use of PmWiki in education.
- Vreng — homepage for the Norwegian Adbusters magazine Vreng.
- — school teaching Argentine tango in Oslo, Norway.
- — wiki-based informative website on events & places in Torun, created, edited and run daily by users directly.
- — almost all about art of stenography/shorthand, in Polish language.
Portuguese (pt & pt-br)
- Mundos & Fundos — personal page of José Geraldo Gouvêa, with his fiction, poetry, and miscellaneous writings.
- REVIDA — Nadstavbové aplikácie pre získanie informácií z dát iných aplikácií.
- — homepage of the Mushroom Society of Maribor, Slovenia.
South African
- — in Afrikaans but hosted in UK; the history and listing of the Jansen family, including genealogy.
- — Escuela de Fútbol Taurinos de Cayey Puerto Rico.
- Goodness in History — wiki at the Marston Hill Intercultural Centre for Quality of Life in Sweden.
- Blah-blah — Swiss site containing hints about Linux/Gentoo, IT-Projects, arts, general discussions. Experimenting with 'A bit modern' skin and 'Snap'-previews of external links. English / Italiano.
- — блог Филиппа Казакова.
- — сайт российской веб-студии.
- — дневник-каталог просмотренных фильмов.
- — персональный сайт фотографа.
- — вики про новый язык программирования Ya. Компилятор Ya начат в январе 2012.
- — открытый проект MajorDoMo — Умный Дом своими руками.
- — Благовещенская старина - Музей самоваров.
Personal sites
- Besson Research — a PhD student's personal web space in Cognitive Psychology.
- — personal work page.
- — Rose Coloured Glasses - the Mills family wiki.
- — private homepage from Martin Krischik.
- — Knappis kleine Welt.
- — PmWiki being used to build personal homepages (at the time of writing, I'm busy configging). All editing facilities will be closed as the wiki functionality is simply used to make my life easier.
- — personal wiki for notes, writing, collaboration, etc.
- Dead Hobo — homepage dedicated to all those who've taken the Westbound train. Catchin' out on art, literature, and philosophy.
- HiKiWiki — personal wiki (largely RPG-oriented) of the Hill/Kleerup Consortium.
- HolonWiki — wiki about holonic multiagentsystems, started 07/12/2004.
- JBWiki — the Jungle Book Wiki (13 August 2004) (as an extension on demonstrating the variety of merchandise related to the book and film versions of The Jungle Books).
- Pitfall — stories, poetry and pictures from James McDuffie.
- — since it's easy to forget so much of the information that flys past, I write it all down. Plus, I manage my projects using PmWiki at
- — Christophe David's homepage.
- — Jon's Linux projects.
- — private knowledge management project, German (Swiss).
- — Michael Meer's personal website.
- WorldWiki — used for noting down settings, characters etc., for some fiction I am writing.
- Shi Daniels — site/blog/progress thingy (19 January 2006).
- Wanderings — online notebook.
- Jochen Küpper — cold molecules, spectroscopy, and more.
- — open source projects, tutorials, how-to's, papers, files, configs; the majority is to do with Open BSD, firewalls, routers, DCHP, DNS, Free BSD, security, Mac OS X, Perl programming, Python programming, GeoCaching, and PDA's.
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance — photos, travel information, essays, and links concerning this book by Robert Pirsig (since May 2004).
- SmithWiki — Smith family blog.
- AWC Family Online — personal website covering topics such as genealogy, meteorology, computers / software engineering, photography, and general thoughts on life and politics (August 2006).
- — personal homepage, uses PmWiki with several extensions. It is really a wiki farm that also hosts my other sites (Matrioszka, Lwów, and O.Staszic) so that there is a common codebase even though they look completely independent from one another. Separation of these websites, which are all located in the same directory, is handled with Apache's mod_rewrite. See SuccessStories#Matrioszka for more information (September 2006).
- — private wiki for friends and family as well as tracking my R&D projects.
- — hiking and backpacking in the northern Nevada and California area.
- — personal wiki used as a repository for school projects, DevProjects, StudyNotes, and for wikiPlay.
- — personal site for Bill Reveile and family, and anything else to do with the name Reveile; no public editing, the wiki part is for convenience.
- — front-end to website by OtherMichael; no public editing, using PmWiki as the CMS engine.
- Sean Gustafson Online — personal site of Sean Gustafson.
- — Velo, Oracle, new modern vehicle.
- Iain D. Brown — personal site of Iain Brown.
- Bric-a-brac — wiki about wikis and writing, with a selection of skins.
- — personal wiki of Tamara Temple.
- — personal website for Ian MacGregor.
- — part of which is open to the world.
- Intrepid Trek — wiki for Star Trek fan fiction.
- — personal tooling and Lamed Messianic Studies website.
- — D&D campaign wiki and game logs from two campaigns; uses Cookbook.Worse and some customised styling (12 February 2024).
- The Encyclopedia of Pointless - A repository for silly writing as well as a large weird interactive fiction story.
This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:PmWikiUsers, and a talk page: PmWiki:PmWikiUsers-Talk.