
PmWiki is a wiki-based system for collaborative creation and maintenance of websites.

The software is written in PHP, freely available under the General Public License and may be downloaded from This site is running pmwiki-2.4.2. Documentation is available via the documentation index.

PmWiki is a registered trademark of Patrick R. Michaud.

To translate the user interface into Tagalog, simply edit the translation page and start adding the appropriate translations.

Also, this page should probably be translated into Tagalog.

To enable this translation on your wiki, download, place the files from the zip/UTF-8/wikilib.d directory into your wikilib.d directory on your server. Then add to local/config.php:

XLPage('tl', 'PmWikiTl.XLPage');
XLPage('tl', 'PmWikiTl.XLPageCookbook');

Other pages in the PmWikiTl wikigroup that may need translation:

PmWikiTl /
EditQuickReference  quick reference for editing pages
PageNotFound  Page displayed when PmWiki can't find the requested page
PmWikiTl  Tagalog
Search  Search wiki
UploadQuickReference  Quick reference for uploading pages
XLPage  Conversion rules to convert PmWiki's prompts into Tagalog
XLPageCookbook  Language conversion strings for Tagalog language for Cookbook strings
