
Personal Homepage:
An attempt to make PmWiki a true CMS.


Cookbook recipes:

  • DownloadManager - a simple download manager which shows how many times a file has been downloaded.
  • LastChangeSummary? - adds the {$LastChangeSummary} page variable.
  • MergeMetaTags - merge multiple (:keywords:) and (:description:) in the rendered HTML to be more search engine-friendly.
  • MultiLanguage - a way of managing multilanguage content in PmWiki pages.
  • TotalCounter - a statistic counter: counts page views, users, browsers, operating systems, referers, locations and web bots.
  • WebAdmin - a complete file manager integrated in PmWiki.



Last 10 pages modified by Pm

Last 10 pages modified by me

(:template first:)
||'''pagename'''||'''last modified'''||'''author'''||
(:template each:)
||[[{=$FullName}]]||[[{=$FullName}?action=diff | {=$LastModified}]]||[[~{=$LastModifiedBy}]] (:if ! equal {=$LastModifiedSummary} '':) - ({=$LastModifiedSummary}) (:if:)||