Profiles /
I help to administer, and have just upgraded it to version 2. I designed the skin for this site, and am hoping to submit it here once I get a chance to tidy it up.
I also administer a private wiki (with a nicer skin than the above, which I may also submit here soon) Unfortunately my knowledge of php and css leaves struggling to do more complex customizations from the documentation on Pmwiki - so when I learn something I am making the effort to add it to the relevant documentation page so that other people can get there quicker.
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- PmWiki.UploadsAdmin . . . April 08, 2005, at 09:17 AM by Francis
- Cookbook.DisablingWikiWords? . . . April 08, 2005, at 08:59 AM by Francis
- Cookbook-V1.BreadCrumbTrail . . . April 07, 2005, at 05:33 AM by Francis
- PmWiki.UrlApprovals
- PITS.00464
- PITS.00626
- PITS.00790
- PITS.00791
- BackupPages
- ControllingWebRobots
- Cookbook:SortBySCore? - tracking bug in recent versions
- Cookbook:Excerpts - contributed way to include
- Cookbook:WikiForms
- Cookbook:PagelistTemplateSamples
- 00897 - created and posted a resolution
- Cookbook:DeleteAction - an alternative method?
- Cookbook:WikiFormsBugs - contributed an new field type
- PITS.00333 - Swish-e searches
- Cookbook:ListCategories - contributed a new markup
- PmWiki.AvailableActions- improved documentation
- Cookbook:SharedPages - indicator?
- Cookbook:PmCalendar - bug with css stylesheets and wikifarms
- Cookbook:EProtect
- Cookbook:Captcha