
Holger Kremb

Age: born in the early 60th
Location: near Bavarian Forest, Germany
Occupation: Purchasing Director
Avocation: Usenet and Homepages

Using PmWiki since January 2005 mainly for https://usenet-abc.de/wiki/ a German wiki for Usenet newbies and experienced users. We inform about browsers, Usenet clients, news servers (public and private) , Usenet header, historical events and much more. With PmWiki we are able to work on all pages in a team.



  • PmWiki
  • Hardware
  • LAN
  • Usenet
  • Webpages
  • Open Source

Cookbook recipes I use

  • AddToWatchlist Add or remove a page from your watchlist trail with a single click
  • Attachtable Actions to rename, delete & restore deleted attachments, as well as an attachlist replacement to use those actions, show file types and list attachment references.
  • AutoRestore Automatically restore pages after a set time interval
  • CachedNumberOfArticles Count pages in wiki
  • CurrentVisitors Display the number of current visitors
  • Titledictindex Add new image type extension
  • EProtect Email obfuscation via ROT13
  • Flash Embedding Flash movies; plus recipes for embedding Flash from specific sites like YouTube, Vimeo, GoogleVideo, Flickr, Archive.org, and more...
  • OptionMenu Get page listings as an option menu selector
  • PageVariableExtensions Functional extensions to page variables
  • SimplePageCounter A simple page counter of visits to each page
  • StarRater 5 star rating system
  • ThumbList² A thumbnail picture gallery for PmWiki
  • UserAuth2 User-based authorization
  • WikiCalendar Add support for a simple calendar. Each date becomes a wiki page.
  • WikiSmileys Add graphical smileys to the markup
Profile protection
This profile page is protected against spamming. The edit password for this page is Holger.

Various lists for my information
The Watchlist and the Backlinks follow to give me a fast summary on this profile page.

Watchlist: (All dates in tz=Europe/Berlin, sorted by last modified) - see Cookbook.Watch lists
(most recent changes to a list of pages)


23.01.25 07h15 | Cookbook.Attachtable - simon (fix PHP 8 warning (+165))
11.01.25 10h50 | Cookbook.ThumbList - Petko (20250111 : Update for PHP 8, warning reported by Simon. (+64))
06.04.24 13h56 | Cookbook.StarRater - Petko ( (+9))
23.10.22 23h44 | Cookbook.DictIndex - Naturevault ( (+7) (+381))
23.12.21 07h48 | Cookbook.AddToWatchlist - Petko (20180221 : add $WatchMultiplePages.)
23.12.21 07h48 | Cookbook.AutoRestore - Petko (new version 20201114: add ?action=store, $AutoRestoreMessage to the edit form (+51))
23.12.21 07h48 | Cookbook.CurrentVisitors - Ian MacGregor (moved comments to the talk page)
23.12.21 07h48 | Cookbook.OptionMenu - MichaelPaulukonis (moving comments to talk)
23.12.21 07h48 | Cookbook.UserAuth2 - jseigler? (user survey: new users +1 (+0))
13.03.20 21h06 | Cookbook.StarRater-Talk - Holger (PHP 7.3.11 (new error message) (+11))


09.02.25 14h42 | PmWiki.ChangeLog - Petko (Refactor PmTOC identifiers. (+24))
19.01.25 15h27 | PmWiki.RoadMap - Petko (Features planned for 2.4.x (+356))
30.08.24 14h12 | PmWiki.PageLists - gb (+trail from anchor to anchor (+124))
21.04.24 15h34 | PmWiki.UrlApprovals - Petko (update for PmToken (+91))
27.05.22 08h29 | PmWiki.RefCount - simon (hlt php (+9))
31.12.19 20h28 | PmWiki.Download - Petko (`https: urls (+9))


13.10.24 09h09 | PmWikiDe.DocumentationIndex - MFWolff (touch (+0))
13.10.24 08h54 | PmWikiDe.Installation - MFWolff (touch (+0))
11.08.22 10h26 | PmWikiDe.PmWiki - MFWolff (de-sandbox (-4))


15.03.20 20h45 | Profiles.Holger - Holger (minor edit (+12))
15.03.20 20h38 | Profiles.Holger-watchlist - Holger (Thanks Petko :-) (+0))

Backlinks: - see Cookbook.Backlinks
(pages with links to Profiles.Holger)

Various (mainly Cookbook)


Last modified by me
(pages with $lastmodified by me)


Kind Regards
