
(redirected from Profiles.KirkSiqveland)

Kirk Siqveland
Edmonds (Seattle) Washington, USA

After years of using PMWiki, I finally feel like I have something to contribute to the PMWiki site:

I recently added a new Skin called SteamPort,
which I have developed and used, on several sites I have built using PMWiki.
I'm about to add the Apex Skin which is a fork of Steamport - trimmed to two column and meant for a more Clean&Simple Art Deco feel. I have to say, the process of adding a Skin to the PMWiki site has forced me to learn more and to improve the skin quite a lot!

All in all, I would recommend it as a good experience for developers who have been working on their own skins/variations.

I have added a few recipies as well:

  • Carousel adds Markup to insert an image Carousel/SlideShow from all the images in a single folder/directory.
  • ManageCSS Code to compile multiple css files into the local.css to simplify managing CSS for non-skin uses.
  • MagicMenus Enhance your skin with wiki-page based menus, that are Group/Site aware
Vertical and Horizontal menus are Auto-Created from Navigation Pages (which are handy for responsive web-sites)
  • ClassTags some code I wrote to wrap a block of content in a named div which you can use to apply CSS or JS to content from the Editor.
It started when I wanted to use Petko's UnToggle but be able to apply it while using the Wiki editor.
  • IFrameLogin is Code I wrestled together to pass messages between the Wiki and an embedded page using iFrames.
This is demo kit with a simple working login demonstration. (Beta, Active)
I needed to get my own login system going and it was easier to use an iFrame with working code, and then pass messages to the Wiki php.
I'm working out the bugs still on an iFrame Sizer, to resize the iFrame to fit the content of the framed page.
  • MyDBLogin-PMW Code I put together to allow users from a specific list of emails to create and maintain password login information.
This was for a Scout Troop, where we know the user emails, but need everyone to have a unique password for safety reasons.
  • SendMail Easily add PHPMailer to send SMTP email from your PHP code (Active)
  • WikiHost Code for your Config.php file to simplify updates/templating/migration regardless of http or https
  • WikiRoot Add Markup to insert the root path to your Wiki allowing, for example, something like a relative address for images or files in your Wiki.
  • Maybe not full recipe... I added something a long time ago to the Cookbook and called it EmbedMore
but it is really just thoughts on cool ways to use the IncludeSite recipe, which I have now implemented in many ways, see above...

My PMWiki sites:
-> (for VBA \ VB-Classic coders) this is where I'm working up my Apex Skin Seattle Scout Troops 166 & 066