
PmWiki user since December 2004. Now running most sites on several shared hosting accounts.

I used to use a single wiki farm a half a dozen fields.

But as of 2025, because many of the sites are built and maintained for third parties, they now all have their own shared hosting environments.

Send mail for me to:

  • Spam hater and dedicated spam fighter.
  • Not-quite-so-vocal-any-more opponent of creeping featuritis.
  • Helped (???) to edit PmWiki docs ages ago.
  • Two-time winner of the coveted "PmWiki idiot of the week" award (as of 2005-01-14) for posting egregious disinformation on the PmWiki.MailingLists
  • Despite using WordPress for several projects, I still gravitate back to PmWiki because it is so easy to grant other users editing rights.