Profiles /
blam, blech, blee
adam overton
pmwiki sites:
. . .
contributed pmwiki code:
- AddThisWidget - social networking drop-down menu - share to facebook, twitter, et al
- AutoLink - automatically links certain words, names, or phrases to a specified destination; recipe based on the ideas and code of several others, etc
- AutomaticPageRefresh - added optional capability to refresh to an #anchor
- BackupPages - added a mod allowing the download of files from a single Group
- CleanUrls-Talk#CleanUrls-noDefaultName - added code to display url as Group/ instead of Group/DefaultName, AND to change any links in the format
resolve to
- CreateColumns - quickly divides up a list of items into separate columns within a table
- Delicious - updated original recipe with a few extra bells and whistles
- DeliciousPlaytagger - automatically be able to play audio file on your page
- DetectBrowser - added a simple way to detect what browser someone is using, via PmWiki markup
- Flash#flickr,, Flash#audioo & Flash#swfsites - added ability to embed audio content, video & audio content, video and slideshow content; and updated YouTube, Vimeo, etc markup to accept parameters; also enabled
to convert pasted embed code from all of these videosharing sites; added various default setup variables - GoogleViewer - Embed PDF, PPT, and TIFF files in a wiki page using Google Viewer
- GoogleVoice - Embed the Google Voice Widget on a webpage
- HideSearchBar - added markup to permit hiding of the search bar in some skins
- Licenses - added updated version of license markup, allowing license-condition icons, etc
- RecipeInfoMarkupExpression - displays the current version of a cookbook recipe
- Scribd - Embed Scribd documents on a webpage
- ShortURLs - shorten urls using
- SlideshowRefresh - creates a "slideshow" by automatically loading pages within a group after a set interval of time
- TwitterPost - php function for posting status updates to twitter
currently tracking [PITS]:
- 01098 - Preview page text variables and pagelist templates
01125 - pagelist output incorrect when using if="date YYYYMMDD..YYYYMMDD {=$Name}" - fixed in 2.2.601126 - be able to create custom pages for ?action=attr - fixed in 2.2.5- 01023 - Include PTVs and values and PVs and values in pageindex
- 00181 - Suggested change to SendPmMoney
currently tracking [recipes]:
- Audio5
- Audio5-Talk
- CustomAttrForm
- Fox-Talk
- FoxEdit-Talk
- ConvertHTML
- ConvertHTML-Talk
- CleanUrls-Talk
- SideBarSpecial
- SkinTemplates
- GMap-Talk
- GMap
- QuickTime
- FoxTextReplace
- ViewPDF
- FlickrAlbum
- Attachtable
- Attachtable-Talk
- Scribd-Talk
- RoadMap-Talk
- TableDirectives-Talk