pmwiki fan (from Switzerland), developer and webmaster of several pmwiki 2.x platforms.
Test wikistyles try to assign a class
markuptext assign class or id %class=pogbox%[@ markuptext assign class or id at]
markuptext assign class or id %class=pogbox%[@ markuptext assign class or id at]%% both generate a<span class="pogbox"/> before the <pre>
would also be locical
Stange Display prob in page-list #description:
seems to be by purpose.
strange cases / bugs?
Test case: pmwiki-2.4.2 | my problem | |
EMi2008-05-21? | conversion of date in link | o.k |
A Word? / not M$? | o.k | | | Should be "Ornament_(music)" | o.k. (was err) | | use ascii values | link ok |
<a href='{$ScriptUrl}'><img src='$PageLogoUrl/%green%pmwiki-32.gif%%'... | Colors, inside [= | o.k |
Correct Group? seems correct after save, in other groups, too:-)
PatrickOgay October 15, 2007, at 06:07 AM
pmwiki platforms
my private pmwiki platforms know how collection some open groups linux topics linux installation hints (clean URL) - will probably be a mirror of ddy linux related isses
If somebody ist interested in sharing information about the deployment of open source software everybody is welcome.
My aim is that I can maintain custumors linux installations
music platform (coral collections, chorus, choir directors, musicians, places, events, ABC, music theorie) some documentation an ABC notation and online-Examples with (:music:) my coral collection SATP (ABC notated, pdf, midi and mp3 generated server sided)
if somebody would be interested to collaborate on the ABC based coral collection everybody welcome.
I'm also thinking about to implement lilypond.
pmwiki based websites template: rose trellis template: based on rose trellis (looks totally different). - Project for a hamam in basel
pmwiki platforms of a friend
Some topic
Shared Data
[] Footing, GlobalSideBar, documentation - share group for wikifarm
- [ok] doesn't jump to default Group (seems to be a conflict in farmconfig.php)
sequence problem with multilanguage.php - [~ok] multi language
- [] group/AnypageDe, correct call (I8n)
search box (easy include page, and css, kind of "modules")
footing, others
to clarify
- default-user for surfer (assigned in farmconfig)
- Function for publishing content, stages of content
- publish: change auth-group (would be nice)
- freeze a stage for display
- Global assignment of "rights" for a groups
- local+global assignment of users - (works with .htpasswd, can be assignd on local wiki)
- EditVariablesInTextArea Collection of Edit-Tricks
At the moment I use pmwiki as my private notebook, but I like to extend it to a real project and communication platform:
- open platform for collecting know how (Open Source, computer, IT-topics)
- project platform
- helpdesk (incoming mails, blog..)
- issue tracking
- time tracking (user, project, tasks)
- central user based login over the wikifarm
- search facility over wikifarm
- [ ] wysiwyg (it's easier for many end user) wikiwyg doesn't work yet [ok]spell check - firefox
my pmwiki topics
- PITS, ToDo (project management and time tracking)
- forms
- incoming mails (issues, questions ...)
- authentication concept for wikifarm (authuser)
- generation of notes and midi
my aims
- promotion of pmwiki & Open Source software in the area Basel (Switzerland/Germany)
- project & collaboration platform
My contributions:
Page names: Profiles.PatrickOgay
- Cookbook /
- AbcMusic-Talk Talk page for Abc music notation.
- AuthUser PmWiki built-in user authentication system using user names and passwords (Stable)
- Bundle4Blog How to use PmWiki as a blogging engine.
- MultiLanguage-Talk Talk page for MultiLanguage.
- PmWikiDraw Java drawing recipe based on TWikiDraw
- RecentChanges
- UploadPicCompression Compress uploaded image files
- UserAuthDevel User-based authorization Development Page
- PITS /
- 00308 improvements to edit form (Closed - added for 2.0.beta44)
- Profiles /
- PatrickOgay
- RecentChanges
- Site /
- AllRecentChangesPerAuthor All pages changed by Author
- Skins /
- ABitModern PmWiki port of the template of the same name
- BeeblebroxNetGila Based on gila by haran, for a more modern version of this skin, see Skins.Maguila
- Notebook-NT-Talk Talk page for Notebook-NT.
- SomethingCorporate crossbrowser CSS layout from oswd
- Test /
- CssMarkup2
- RecentChanges