A newcomer to PmWiki. My English is poor, hehe;) Announce me when I make mistakes.
Ppip = Pain Past is Pleasure.
Now living in Tianjin, China. Build a site on PmWiki: http://www.happysky.org/wiki.
My Translations (PmWiki1):
- PmWikiZhCn.EditQuickReference (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.FilesAndDirectories (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.PmWikiPhilosophy (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.SimpleTables (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.SimpleTables2 (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.UploadQuickReference (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.SearchWiki (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.WikiStructure (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.WikiGroup (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.WikiTrails (Under Translating, 0%)
- PmWikiZhCn.GroupHeaders (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.GoodStyle (Done, thinks all!)
- PmWikiZhCn.PageHistory (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.AuthorTracking (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.InterMap (Done)
- PmWikiZhCn.SpecialMarkups (Under Translating, 0%)
- PmWikiZhCn.AdvancedTables (Under Translating, 0%)
Too many works, hehe...
Want say something to me?:) Write below...
"Announce me when I make mistakes" should be "Tell me when I make mistakes." :-)
I'm translating PmWiki.GoodStyle in to Chinese(PmWikiZhCn.GoodStyle), but I can't understand the sentence below, who can help me? -- ppip
What does Dragnet mean? And what does "Just the facts, ma'am." do?
http://www.hroot.com/companypublish/html/490.htm 电视悬疑影集Dragnet中,那位总是有办法破案的主角名叫佛莱迪(Friday),他是洛杉矶警察局的警官。每次办案,佛莱迪及其伙伴都会登门拜访目击者。通常是一名女性应门,在他们出示证件时,表现出害怕的神情。而佛莱迪总是向她保证:“小姐,我们要的只是事实而已。”