Profiles /
I've been using PmWiki since 2007.
Recipes I maintain:
- Cookbook /
- AddFootnote Insert markup to create a footnote (Beta)
- AddSignature Insert markup for a stylized signature (Beta)
- AddToggle Add a toggle link (Beta)
- Callout Present something within an iconic bubble or style. (alpha)
- CalloutCustomization How to create custom callouts using the Callout recipe (alpha)
- Parmset Provide access to the current requests in the URL as a page variable (Beta)
- PTVLinkText Use a page text variable for link text, when available (works so far)
- Request Extends conditional markup to test parameters in the URL, to allow pages to pass parameters via their URL links (Beta)
- SearchboxRecognition Determine which of a page's multiple searchboxes was used (works for me)