Scott /
Carter's compass: I know I'm on the right track when by deleting something, I'm adding functionality.
Larry Wall Quotes
- Look at the big picture. Don't focus on two or three things to the exclusion of other things. Keep everything in context.
- Complexity is not always the enemy. What's important is not simplicity or complexity, but how you bridge the two.
- True greatness is measured by how much freedom you give to others, not by how much you can coerce others to do what you want.
- I can't predict whether Perl's road ahead will be bumpy or smooth, but I can predict that the more perspectives we can see things from, the easier it'll be to choose the perspectives we like.
- There are many throughways, and they don't all lead the same place. It's easy to tunnel into a false minimum and think you're "through".'' --Larry Wall
Other Stuff
- Look at the problems that need to be solved and figure out what the essential things in those problems are. Don't try and grab a single solution and try and figure out how to make it apply to all your problems. --Dan Sugalski
Don't give up too soon.
Words are tools of the brain.
Your future is now.
Plan to succeed by preparing for failure.
- In other words, failure is a part of life. It will happen. The trick is to learn from your mistakes and try again.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" --Albert Einstein
Confidence. Resolve. Imagination. Think critically! Learn. Grow.
- Push only when necessary. --Pm
Now is always better than later.
- -- Pm disagrees with this last one.
- Okay, perhaps always isn't right. This thing to remember is because I always seem to be putting things on hold to do other things and then eventually forget about the original thing. "Now is better than later" is a way for me to remember to not put things on hold unless it's really necessary.