
Results of search for Cookbook/ count=1901..2000:
Cookbook /
ShortCutsMarkup-Talk  Talk page for ShortCutsMarkup.
ShortCutsMarkup-Users  User notes for the ShortCutsMarkup recipe.
ShortURLs  shorten URLs using, including a markup expression and a function for further coding
ShortURLs-Talk  Talk page for ShortURLs.
Shoutbox  Display sidebar shoutbox (tested)
Shoutbox-Users  User notes for the Shoutbox recipe.
ShowHide  Adds toggle buttons and links to show/hide sections and objects. Superseded by Toggle. (deprecated)
SideBarNameChange  How to change the name of the SideBar
SideBarSpecial  Customize SideBar(s) per Group or per Page, and/or auto append special SideBar ex.(Site.SideBarAdmin) (stable)
SideNotes  Create "Side Notes" for jotting down notes
SignalWhenMarkup  Tells you whether your markup is evaluated within (:markup:) code (stable)
SignalWhenMarkup-Talk  Talk page for SignalWhenMarkup.
SignalWhenMarkup-Users  User notes for the SignalWhenMarkup recipe.
SimpleAjax  Allow a simple ajax interaction within forms, usually via WikiSh (Backup of Development version)
SimpleCart  integration of simple javascript shopping cart with PayPal or Google checkout (stable)
SimpleCart-Talk  Talk page for SimpleCart.
SimpleChem  Simple markup for chemical formulas in PmWiki 2.x pages (Experimental)
SimpleDiscussLink  Add an action (or sidebar) link that leads to and from a -Talk page. (Initial Release)
SimpleForum  Simple and styled forum (Stable)
SimpleForum-Talk  Talk page of Simple Forum
SimpleForum-Users  User notes for the SimpleForum recipe.
SimpleForumGroupFooter  Used by Cookbook:SimpleForum
SimpleGallery  A simple image gallery
SimpleJsMath  Notes on modifying the jsMath for a skin (not a complete recipe)
SimplemachinesIntegration  How to use the authentification of the Simplemachines forum to control the access to a PmWiki installation
SimpleMAINlink  Add a link to your Main Home Page (beta)
SimplePageCounter  A simple page counter of visits to each page
SimplePieDisplay  Add an RSS feed to a page using SimplePie (Beta)
SimplePieDisplay-Users  User notes for the SimplePieDisplay recipe.
SimplePlaylist  Simple audio player with a playlist (Experimental)
SimplePlaylist-Talk  Talk page for SimplePlaylist.
SimpleRating  a simple rating system (Stable)
SimpleRecipeTemplate  A Simple Recipe Template to provide a framework for PmWiki recipes (Always beta)
SimpleSiteMap  Easy site map using only core PmWiki features (Stable)
SimpleSiteMap-Talk  Talk page for SimpleSiteMap.
SimpleSiteMap-Users  User notes for the SimpleSiteMap recipe.
Simpleviewer  Simpleviewer recipe (Beta)
SimplifiedAdvancedTableDirectives  Simplify Advanced Directive Syntax (working but still testing)
SimultaneousEdits  Enable simultaneous edits for platforms without popen or diff3 (Experimental)
SimultaneousEdits-Talk  Talk page for SimultaneousEdits.
SingleSign-On  Use Windows-Logon for Authentication on pmwiki (Stable)
Sisterly  Lets wikis on a farm access each other as easily as accessing other pages within a wiki (beta)
SiteDump  creates a .tar.gz file of the complete site for download (stable)
SiteInformation  How to quickly see the settings for a site without having to look at the contents of the local configuration file
SiteInformation-Talk  Talk page for SiteInformation.
SiteInformation-Users  User notes for the SiteInformation recipe.
Sitemapper  Adds a dynamically generated sitemap to PmWiki. (beta)
SiteMapsWithOptions  Standard Site Map for websites (Stable)
SkinList  List skins installed on a site (Stable)
SkinList-Talk  Talk page for SkinList.
Skins  Redirects to Skins (default sidebar links to here)
SlideShow  Create slide presentations with skin support (Stable)
SlideShow-Users  User notes for the SlideShow recipe.
SlideshowRefresh  slideshowRefresh creates a "slideshow" by using the 'Refresh' meta tag, coupled with pagelist in order to automatically load one-page-after-another on a wiki, at an interval specified by the visitor.
SlimTableOfContents  Simple or Numbered Table of Contents, Compatible with SectionEdit Recipe (not working with php5.5)
SlimTableOfContents-Talk  Talk page for SlimTableOfContents.
SlimTableOfContents-Users  User notes for the SlimTableOfContents recipe.
SmallInstall  Minimise the size of the PmWiki installed files
SmartColorboxGallery  Smart Colorbox Gallery is an easy to use gallery that creates small and large images, and makes a colorbox slideshow. (RC)
SmartQuotes  Turns straight quotes into smart quotes (Maintained)
SmartQuotes-Talk  Talk page for SmartQuotes.
SMFUserIntergration  Integrates Simple Machines Users into PmWiki (Testing)
SMTPMail  Send automated e-mails via your SMTP server (Experimental)
SMTPMail-Talk  Talk page for SMTPMail.
Snotes  Snotes (Styles for general purpose notes/boxes) (Stable / Active)
Snotes-Talk  Talk page for Snotes (Styles for general purpose notes/boxes).
Snotes-Users  User notes for the Snotes (Styles for general purpose notes/boxes) recipe.
SocialBookmarkIcons  Create dynamically a list of clickable icons for social bookmarking sites. (Stable)
SocialBookmarking  Adds Badges for Sending a Page to Social Bookmarking Services
SortableTables  Create tables which can be sorted instantly by javascript (stable)
SortableTables-Talk  Talk page for SortableTables.
SortableTables-Users  User notes for the SortableTables recipe.
SortByScore  Sorts (:pagelist:) search results by number of matching words found in page + displays fragments of page near the word. (beta)
SortByScore-Users  User notes for the SortByScore recipe.
SourceBlock  Source code syntax highlighter for PmWiki 2.x using GeSHi (Stable)
SourceBlock-Users  User notes for the SourceBlock recipe.
SourceCodeHorizontalLines  Allow horizontal lines made of dashes ("-------") in PMWiki page source code (Working)
SourceForgeServers  Install PmWiki in's project web space. (Outdated)
SourceHistory  Web php programming abilities from computers without any editor installed (beta)
SpacedWikiWords  Space out WikiWords? in the page presentation without requiring FreeLink? mark-up
SpamFilters  Automatic blocking of some spambots (beta)
SpamFilters-Talk  Talk page for SpamFilters.
SpamFilters-Users  User notes for the SpamFilters recipe.
Sparklines  Easily embed sparklines inside wiki pages (works)
SpeedOptimizations  How to tune PmWiki and its environment for speed
SpellChecker  How to enable spell-cheking on a wiki (Unmaintained)
Sphinx  How can I search my PmWiki content via the Sphinx engine?
SQLite  Store wiki pages in an SQLite database file (Experimental)
SQLite-Talk  Talk Page for the SQLite recipe
Standalone  Allows PmWiki to run in a "standalone" mode, without needing a webserver such as Apache
Standalone-Users  User notes for the Standalone recipe.
StarRater  5 star rating system (stable)
StarRater-Users  User notes for the StarRater recipe.
StaticPages  Allows pmwiki pages to be published as static pages

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100 pages found out of 2318 pages searched.

A search for more than one word will find pages that contain all of the words. Use quotation marks to search for a phrase. Also use quotes for text with punctuation or special characters. Searches are case insensitive, but accent sensitive in the default configuration (i.e. 'u' is not the same as 'รน').

To limit your search to a single group, enter the group name followed by a slash at the beginning of the search string (e.g., "PmWiki/" or "Site/"). To list all pages, enter a slash for the search.

Search examples

EnterTo find pages whose content contains
apple pieboth 'apple' and 'pie'
"apple pie"the phrase 'apple pie'
pmwiki/apple'apple' in the PmWiki group of pages
"pmwiki/apple"the phrase 'pmwiki/apple' in all groups of pages
apple -pie'apple', omitting those containing 'pie'
food -"apple pie"'food', omitting those containing 'apple pie'
apple "-pie"the words 'apple' and '-pie'
apple - pie'apple', '-', and 'pie'
"pie:"the word 'pie' with a colon
"pie=tasty"the phrase 'pie=tasty'
pmwiki/all pages in the PmWiki group

Some special characters need to be enclosed in quotes, including the colon (:), equals sign (=), less than (<), single quote (') and double quote(").