Page names: UserAuth2.Help, Cookbook.EditHelp, Cookbook.EditHelp-Talk, Cookbook.EditHelp-Users, Cookbook.JavaScriptHelpers, Cookbook.EditFunctionHelper, Cookbook.BlocklistHelperScripts, Test.HTMLValidationWithIncludes-help1, Test.HTMLValidationWithIncludes-help2
- Cookbook /
- JumpBox-Talk Talk page for JumpBox.
- JustHyp Client-side multilingual text hyphenation and margin filling (full justify). (Active, alpha)
- LatexMarkup Enables the usage of a subset of LaTeX syntax as an alternative markup (except Math). (working (but with very limited features))
- LazyLoading-Users User notes for the LazyLoading recipe.
- LibChart-Talk Talk page for LibChart.
- Licenses-Users User notes for the Licenses recipe.
- LimitDiffsPerPage-Users User notes for the Limit Diffs per page recipe.
- LinkCSSToolTip-Talk Talk page for LinkCSSToolTip.
- LinkCSSToolTip-Users User notes for the LinkCSSToolTip recipe.
- LinkedResourceExtras Linked resource helper functions and scripts for recipe writers (Beta)
- LinkedResourceExtras-Users User notes for the LinkedResourceExtras recipe.
- LinkIcons-Users User notes for the LinkIcons recipe.
- LinkPageExistsFmtTooltip-Users User notes for the LinkPageExistsFmtTooltip recipe.
- LinksTreeMenu-Talk Talk page for LinksTreeMenu.
- LinkTitles Add "title" attributes to all links (Beta)
- ListCategories use categories as tags (stable)
- ListCategories-Talk Talk page for ListCategories.
- ListCategories-Users User notes for the ListCategories recipe.
- ListResume-Users User notes for the ListResume recipe.
- LiteralWhiteSpace-Users User notes for the LiteralWhiteSpace recipe.
- LiveEdit Edit blocks of wiki-text in pop-up windows right from the wiki page. Editable blocks can be automatically detected/created on existing wiki pages using a Javascript-based GUI-like tool. An authenticated user with edit permission can edit the contents inside the blocks right from the page's view in a 'pop-up' editing environment. One can now choose from different themes/skins for the LiveEdit environment, as well as create custom themes/skins. Very useful for better organizing and maintaining contents of a wiki page, especially if the page is large. (Working great! Latest improvements in auto-detect tool are in beta test.)
- LiveEdit-Talk Talk page for Live Edit 2.
- LocalCSS-Users User notes for the LocalCSS recipe.
- LocalTimes-Users User notes for the LocalTimes recipe.
- LoginLogout-Users User notes for the Login Logout recipe.
- Mailform3-Talk Talk page for Mailform3.
- Mailform4-Talk Talk page for Mailform4.
- Mailform4-Users User notes for the Mailform4 recipe.
- MailListForm-Users User notes for the MailListForm recipe.
- MajorChanges-Users User notes for the MajorChanges recipe.
- MakeColumns Create columns on a page without using tables.
- MakeManyColumns How to make columns on a page using CSS
- Markdown A replacement for some of PmWiki's typographical wiki markup (Beta)
- MarkdownMarkupExtension-Users User notes for the MarkdownMarkupExtension recipe.
- Marklets An easy-to-use, categorical, bookmark management system. (Beta)
- MarkThingsDone-Users User notes for the MarkThingsDone recipe.
- MarkupDirectiveFunctions Simply configured custom directives (Experimental)
- MarkupDirectiveFunctions-Users User notes for the MarkupDirectiveFunctions recipe.
- MarkupExprPlus Extends {(...)} expression markups (Stable)
- MarkupExprPlus-Talk Talk page for MarkupExprPlus.
- MarkupExprPlus-Users User notes for the MarkupExprPlus recipe.
- MarkupExtensions-Talk Talk Page for MarkupExtensions recipe
- MarkupExtensions-Users User notes for the MarkupExtensions recipe.
- MarkupOnlyBarCharts Adds editable bar charts to your wiki using only core PmWiki features
- MarkupTricks-Talk Talk page for MarkupTricks.
- MasteringPmWikiPages Consolidating documentation on making & breaking PmWiki pages for recipe authors. (documentation)
- MathJax-Users User notes for the MathJax recipe.
- Maxi-Talk Talk page for the Maxi image viewer
- Maxi-Users User notes for the Maxi recipe.
- Maxi2-Users User notes for the Maxi2 recipe.
- MediaCategories Assembles all Categories in a page, alphabetizes, and appends to bottom of page--in the style similar to MediaWiki. (Stable as of 2.1.5)
- MeetupAPIEventList-Users User notes for the Meetup API Event List recipe.
- MemberMgmt Advanced member management (using ZAP and AuthUser). Allows self registration, logins, groups, site customization, and more! (Beta (relies on latest Beta version of PmWiki))
- MemberMgmt-Talk Talk page for MemberMgmt.
- MergeWikiLibDirs Move from standard PageStore to another PageStore (theoretical/untested)
- MicrodataInjection Generate extra <meta> tags useful for Facebook, Twitter, Google... (working - evolving)
- MicrodataInjection-Users User notes for the Microdata Injection recipe.
- MimeTeX Add markup to display and embed mathematical formulas in wiki pages (Stable)
- MimeTeX-Talk Talk page for MimeTeX.
- MimeTeX-Users User notes for the MimeTeX recipe.
- MindjetMap Embedding a Mindjet MindManager Map (first release)
- Mini-Talk Talk Page for Mini recipe
- Mini-Users User notes for the Mini recipe.
- MiniEdit-Users User notes for the MiniEdit recipe.
- MiniFancybox-Users User notes for the Mini with Fancybox recipe.
- MiniGalleria-Users User notes for the Mini with Galleria recipe.
- MiscMX-Users User notes for the Search recipe.
- MobileUsers-Users User notes for the MobileUsers recipe.
- ModesConcept A place to remember thoughts/ideas related to using different modes
- ModuleGuidelines Guidelines for creating, distributing, and maintaining a recipe for the Cookbook.
- MoreCustomPageVariables Additional custom page variables for use in pages, forms, includes and conditional markup.
- MoreCustomPageVariables-Talk Talk page for MoreCustomPageVariables.
- MoreCustomPageVariables-Users User notes for the MoreCustomPageVariables recipe.
- MovePage Move and copy wiki pages (production)
- MovePage-Users User notes for the MovePage recipe.
- MultiLanguage Display content in different languages on a page by user's choice
- MultiLanguagePages-Users User notes for the MultiLanguagePages recipe.
- MultiLanguageViews show language specific content and titles according to user choice (stable)
- MultiLanguageViews-Users User notes for the MultiLanguageViews recipe.
- Music Display music scores from various ascii notations (abc, abctab, asciitab, tab) (Stable)
- MyDBLogin User Level Login with email verification using MySQL Database (Deprecated - Use new Version: MyDBLogin-PMW)
- MyDBLogin-PMW Integrated User-Level Access-Control & Login with email verification/management using MySQL Database ( Maintained)
- MyPmWiki-Talk Talk page for MyPmWiki.
- NetstreamsCMS-Talk Talk page for NetstreamsCMS.
- NewGroupBox-Talk Talk page for NewGroupBox.
- NewGroupBox-Users User notes for the NewGroupBox recipe.
- NewGroupWarning-Users User notes for the NewGroupWarning recipe.
- NewPageBox How to provide a form or box to allow users to create new pages (deprecated in favour of NewPageBoxPlus) (Deprecated)
- NewPageBoxPlus Adds customisable box plus button form for page creation (Stable)
- NewPageBoxPlus-Talk Talk page for NewPageBoxPlus.
- NewPageBoxPlus-Users User notes for the NewPageBoxPlus recipe.
- NewPageForm Adds a new page using a form (Not working with PmWiki 2.2)
- NewsList-Users User notes for the NewsList recipe.
- NotSavedWarning-Users User notes for the NotSavedWarning recipe.
- NumberedHeaders Display numbered headers, indented paragraphs and table of contents (Stable)
- NumberedSections-Users User notes for the NumberedSections recipe.
- NZTopo Use to display an excerpt from a New Zealand topographic map in a PmWiki website (Production)
- NZTopo-Users User notes for the NZTopo recipe.
- OpenLayersAPI-Users User notes for the OpenLayersAPI recipe.
- OpenPass Set a global password which is openly displayed to reduce spam (Alpha)
Only search in group: BlogIt (1), Category (2), Christian (5), Cookbook (817), CookbookFr (1), DaveG (3), EmacsModes (9), FoxDocumentation (2), GoogleMapAPI (6), LinuxTex (1), Localization (6), Magazine (5), News (4), PITS (218), PmCal (4), PmForm (4), PmWiki-DITA (1), PmWiki (84), PmWikiCa (1), PmWikiCreole (1), PmWikiCs (2), PmWikiDa (1), PmWikiDe (6), PmWikiEo (2), PmWikiEs (2), PmWikiFi (1), PmWikiFr (5), PmWikiHu (2), PmWikiIt (3), PmWikiJa (6), PmWikiNl (3), PmWikiPl (1), PmWikiPtBr (4), PmWikiRo (1), PmWikiSq (1), PmWikiSv (2), PmWikiTr (1), PmWikiVi (1), PmWikiZhCn (4), PmWikiZhTw (2), Profiles (72), RHCE (2), Scott (1), Site (7), SiteAdmin (3), Sites (2), Skins (96), Test (32), TestBlog (1), TestW7 (3), UserAuth2 (2), UTF8 (1), WikiSh (1)
A search for more than one word will find pages that contain all of the words. Use quotation marks to search for a phrase. Also use quotes for text with punctuation or special characters. Searches are case insensitive, but accent sensitive in the default configuration (i.e. 'u' is not the same as 'รน').
To limit your search to a single group, enter the group name followed by a slash at the beginning of the search string (e.g., "PmWiki/" or "Site/"). To list all pages, enter a slash for the search.
Search examples
Enter | To find pages whose content contains |
apple pie | both 'apple' and 'pie' |
"apple pie" | the phrase 'apple pie' |
pmwiki/apple | 'apple' in the PmWiki group of pages |
"pmwiki/apple" | the phrase 'pmwiki/apple' in all groups of pages |
apple -pie | 'apple', omitting those containing 'pie' |
food -"apple pie" | 'food', omitting those containing 'apple pie' |
apple "-pie" | the words 'apple' and '-pie' |
apple - pie | 'apple', '-', and 'pie' |
"pie:" | the word 'pie' with a colon |
"pie=tasty" | the phrase 'pie=tasty' |
pmwiki/ | all pages in the PmWiki group |
Some special characters need to be enclosed in quotes, including the colon (:), equals sign (=), less than (<), single quote (') and double quote(").