
Results of search for highlight search:
Cookbook /
AlternateNamingScheme-Talk  Talk page for AlternateNamingScheme.
Ape  Embed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages (Stable)
Attachtable-Talk  Talk Page for Attachtable recipe
Beautifier-Talk  Talk page for Beautifier.
BlogCalendar  small calendar for blogs showing highlighted links to date-named blog pages (stable)
CodeHighlight  Syntax highlighting for programming languages (Beta)
CodeMirror  An enhanced page editor for PmWiki (Stable)
CodeMirror-Talk  Talk page for CodeMirror.
CopyingInternationalURLs  Some hints and tricks to copy URLs with international (UTF-8) characters
CustomSyntax  Design notes of PmSyntax and custom markup rules (Beta)
ExtensionDesign  How to create extensions compatible with ExtensionHub (Experimental)
FindInPage  Instant search in the current page, with highlighting. (Experimental)
FindInPage-Talk  Talk page for FindInPage.
FontAwesome  Include and use Font Awesome Icons (beta)
GraphVizSitemap  Provide a GraphViz format for sitemap (alpha)
Grep  Use regular expressions to control what to include from a page (beta)
IncludeFile-Talk  Talk page for IncludeFile.
LinksTreeMenu  A Simple Dynamic Hierarchical Tree Menu for PmWiki Groups and Pages (Stable)
MarkupRulesetDebugging  Debugging Markup Ruleset (stable)
OpenLayersAPI-Talk  Talk page for OpenLayersAPI.
PagelistTemplateSamples  Custom templates for pagelists formats
PmSyntax  Syntax highlighting for the PmWiki documentation and edit form (Experimental)
PmSyntax-Talk  Talk page for PmSyntax.
PublishPDF  Typesets wiki page collections into PDF (finalist: New Zealand open source awards 2008) (Stable, reliable and substantially complete, php 5.5 compliant)
SearchTerms  How to get the results of a search to highlight the search terms in a page
SortByScore  Sorts (:pagelist:) search results by number of matching words found in page + displays fragments of page near the word. (beta)
Tags  How to have tags (like Flickr)
TextExtract  search, grep, and extract text from other pages or groups with search terms and regular expressions, using search form or markup expression. (stable)
ThickBox  integrate the AJAX image effect known as thickbox into a PmWiki page
UnderlineText  Use HTML5 <u> tag to underline text. (Beta)
WikiFormsFeatureRequests  Feature requests for the WikiForms recipe
WikiShExamples  Examples and Applications of the use of WikiSh
35 pages found out of 2308 pages searched.

A search for more than one word will find pages that contain all of the words. Use quotation marks to search for a phrase. Also use quotes for text with punctuation or special characters. Searches are case insensitive, but accent sensitive in the default configuration (i.e. 'u' is not the same as 'รน').

To limit your search to a single group, enter the group name followed by a slash at the beginning of the search string (e.g., "PmWiki/" or "Site/"). To list all pages, enter a slash for the search.

Search examples

EnterTo find pages whose content contains
apple pieboth 'apple' and 'pie'
"apple pie"the phrase 'apple pie'
pmwiki/apple'apple' in the PmWiki group of pages
"pmwiki/apple"the phrase 'pmwiki/apple' in all groups of pages
apple -pie'apple', omitting those containing 'pie'
food -"apple pie"'food', omitting those containing 'apple pie'
apple "-pie"the words 'apple' and '-pie'
apple - pie'apple', '-', and 'pie'
"pie:"the word 'pie' with a colon
"pie=tasty"the phrase 'pie=tasty'
pmwiki/all pages in the PmWiki group

Some special characters need to be enclosed in quotes, including the colon (:), equals sign (=), less than (<), single quote (') and double quote(").