Bonny < Skins > Bs-002 (talk? | users? | test page | RWD? | set as default | unset | validate: HTML, CSS)
ΔClick to enlarge
This is a dark theme intended to be a 'gaming' theme. It was converted from a php-nuke theme for use with PmWiki. This theme was converted by The Black Sheep Development Group.
Download it here: bs-001v2.zipΔ
Previous version: bs-001.zipΔ
Changes in v2 (by wossName):
- Fixed bugs in template and stylesheet
- references to unused/missing images and CSS classes
- image paths, table structure, skin directive positioning
- Added new required layout markers
- Fixed width of left header image
- Made template generate valid XHTML Transitional
- Made template and stylesheet easier to read
For everything to look right, you will need to edit PmWiki.GroupHeader and remove the pre-defined colors.
There are two ways to configure the logo section:
- The current default simply puts the image from
at the top center of the page. The file headbg.gif
can be used as a background pattern.
- The other way (as seen in the preview) displays the logo in the center, but a bit further down. In addition, the Wiki title appears below the logo. To configure this, edit the stylesheet and change
to vertical-align: middle;
and #logotext
to display: block;
Can you provide a larger screenshot or an existing preview? This skin is beautiful and a good screenshot would show off the details. The screenshot above contains errors (won't display) and the Preview url returns a 404. --Ian MacGregor
I created a new screenshot and thumbnail from the preview URL. --wossName