

Summary: User notes for the Enlighten recipe.
Discussion: Enlighten-Talk
Users: +14

If you use or used the Enlighten recipe, you can add yourself in the list below. These statistics may help newcomers to select recipes for their wikis. Both (+) positive and (-) negative short comments are welcome. For longer comments or questions please use the Enlighten-Talk page.


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  • (+) TM 31-May-2020: Love the skin, but how do I delete the bottom line "enlighten theme originally.."?
    • You should not remove the attribution and the links in the footer -- the copyright holder gives away his work for free but only under certain conditions, read the license. Legally you simply do not have authorization to remove or hide the attribution, it would be copyright infringement. If this is a deal breaker for you, just use a different skin. --Petko May 31, 2020, at 05:52 AM
      • TM 3-Jun-2020: k, fair enough!
  • (+) AM 24-Api-2012: I love the professional-looking skin.
  • (+) AM 17-Nov-2010: I love the professional-looking skin.
  • (+) JimB 23-Aug-2010: I want to thank you for the Enlighten skin for PmWiki. It's a great skin. We are using it for our web site at
  • (+) Josh 23-Jul-2010: This is my first wiki, and your skin is great.
  • (+) Xian? 4-Nov-2009: I already liked your Skittlish very much. The Enlighten I nearly like much more.
  • (+) New user and brand new to PmWiki. Two questions. How do I get rid of the little PmWiki logo in the header? Second, where do I go to increase the default font size for the site? Thanks!

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In the Wild

User notes for Enlighten (talk).