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March 04, 2025, at 12:57 AM


FixFlow < Skins > Flexi   (talk? | users? | test page | RWD? | set as default | unset | validate: HTML, CSS)

Attach: 1.jpg
Summary: Tabless skin, inspired by the layout and colors of the site
Status: Stable
Prerequisites: pmwiki-2.1
Maintainer: CarlosAB
Categories: Skins, PHP72
Download: flckr-1.1.zipΔ


The skin was inspired by the colors and layout of the site Flickr ( This skin is xhtml 1.0 transitional and css1 valid .

It looks quite the same in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera.

If you are going to use it in a UNIX enviroment, be sure to pay attention to permissions and ownership, the files inside the zip file have none of those set.

The file flckr.php doesn't exist and all access keys and page actions are hard coded in the skin.


Attach:flckr-1.1.zipΔ New CarlosAB April 25, 2006, at 11:25 AM

( Version 1.1 doesn't use tables anymore. So there may be problems with some browsers like Arachne or Lynx. So you have to decide what you want ;-) flox May 06, 2006, at 11:02 AM )

Attach:flckr-1.0.zipΔ (First release) CarlosAB March 01, 2006, at 10:50 PM


To add the theme to your PmWiki2 installation, follow these basic steps:

1. Download the theme archive and extract the files it contains.

2. Upload the directory 'flckr' to the pub/skins directory provided by PmWiki on your


3. Add the following to your local configuration file (config.php).

    $Skin = 'flckr';

4. Look at ownership and permission of files if you have any trouble.


If you have any sugestions, questions, wishes or complaints, please drop a line.

I hope you enjoy.


Comments for v1.1

'Internet Explorer'

My colleagues want to use ie, so i have to fix the skin. it looks terrible; the menubar "wanders" down the whole page, every time i click a link. i do not have edit the skin and cannot find the errors.... thanks.

I'm glad you want to use the skin I did, but also I have to tell you that this is the 2nd skin I did in my whole life and this is the 5th time I have ever used html and css, so I'm learning. While this skin don't get fixed you can take a look at other skins here at the PmWiki site and I'm sorry for any inconvenience. CarlosAB September 21, 2006, at 11:14 AM

Firefox Issue

In Firefox, the header may have a large vertical space if you try installing this theme. To correct this problem, modify the css file and change height from 100% to 30px in the .head class.

Old Comments v1.0

  • This is good but how can the white space on the left be reduced? BJayaram
    • You will have to edit the css file and change padding and margin of the classes .sidebar and .pagetext. I'm not sure if this is what you asked for, if not please ask again. CarlosAB March 08, 2006, at 12:35 AM
    • Also, I have used the "table-layout:fixed" in the css file and sometimes content goes beyond the width set for each table (default is 768) and when using a resolution of 800x600, I saw some changes in width for the whole page.CarlosAB March 09, 2006, at 12:48 AM
    • Maybe change "padding" inside css file on selector/item body. CarlosAB March 10, 2006, at 01:39 AM
    • Or maybe (just maybe :)), I did not understand your question.CarlosAB April 25, 2006, at 06:19 PM
XHTML and CSS valid.
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