IPMWiki < Skins > JHMP (talk? | users? | test page | RWD? | set as default | unset | validate: HTML, CSS)
Skin overview
This skin is based on a PmWiki customization created by James Home (http://www.jameshome.com/). The skin files are available from jhskin.zipΔ.
The "tabs" in the title of the page are being generated using the CSS "sliding doors" technique described at http://www.alistapart.com/articles/slidingdoors. The layout template file includes a stylesheet definition that highlights the appropriate tab based on the value of PmWiki's $action global variable. The tabs also resize appropriately with changes in text size.
- Very clean looking skin. I love it and just started using it at work. Bug in the search engine though. (Just moved it from here to PITS)
- Fixed (2004-12-23), thanks. --Pm
- Cool skin guys. And PmWiki rocks. -- SatishGoda
- Bad font color for "Cook book" on a green background, it's very difficult to read.
- Bug in the top search box. Searches are not working. Look http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PITS/00251
- PageUploadFmt section in the .tmpl file shows up at the bottom of my "view" tab (shows $UploadResult=} followed by uploading instructions. I'm using [=pmwiki-2.0.beta35. Marc Page
- I removed the stuff below </html> in jh.tmpl and the problem went away. I haven't tested the upload yet though. Bob?
- Upload works *after* fixing the "jh.tmpl" file as per Bob's instructions.