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Leaves Skin for PmWiki
This is a minimalist three-column skin for PmWiki 2 that was created with usability in mind. It evolved from a template found at OpenSource WebDesign. The appearance is not intended to be pro quality, but to fit well with text-intensive sites with many categories and recent updates.
It uses $PageCustodianFmt to take care of edit links (otherwise disguised as the $WikiSlogan)
Design Objectives
- Emphasize the content.
- Keep the main content area a reasonable width for easier reading.
- Treat screen pixels as valuable and scrolling as inconvenient.
- Keep menus always visible, giving site navigation links conspicuous placement in the layout.
- Be easy to use for both inexperienced and seasoned veteran wiki users.
- Provide an adequate text area (approx. 80 x 28) for easy editing.
- Produce pages that render similarly in various browsers.
- Encourage wiki users to create well-structured web documents.
The skin could validate as xhtml1.1 transitional if not for PmWiki's behaviour of opening "<p>" after every blank line.
This skin is in badly need of improvement, but already looks great here (personal site of the creator)
Unzip leaves.zip to your skins directory (pub/skins/) and add the following to your local configuration file:
## Use the CIS-Dept. Lean Skin and its printable view skin.
= 'leaves';
The included Duality font is free to use and distribute, see the attached license.
- 5/02/2008 -- Initial release
Comments, suggestions
XXXXX Heading
XXXXX Subheading
XXXXX Sub-subheading
XXXXX Sub-sub-subheading
Small text. Normal text. Large text.Large monospaced. Normal monospaced. Small monospaced.
Strong text. Emphasized text. Superscript and Subscript.
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