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Simpla Skin

Simpla is a clean, minimalist skin ported from Wordpress. Simpla is clean yet aesthetically pleasing which will allow you to showcase your words without distractions.

It is suitable for wikis that don't use the sidebar.


(you should pull the latest code from CSCheng's site)


  • Extract the files in the skins directory.
  • Edit local/config.php appropriately:
    $Skin = 'simpla';
    # $EnableMenuBar = TRUE;
    $SkinCopyright = 'Copyright © Acme, Inc. — All Rights Reserved';

Browser Support

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0+: supported (works, but doesn't display the horizontal lines well) | Can be fixed by adding "height: 1px;" in "simpla.css" after "hr{"
  • Mozilla Firefox 1.5+: supported (might work on lower versions)
  • Opera 9.0+: supported (might work on lower versions)


The Simpla Wordpress theme was originally designed and developed by Phu Ly.

It is ported by Chi Shang Cheng.

Legal Stuff

This skin is licensed under a CC-Attribution-ShareAlike license.

Category: Skins
Page last modified on December 23, 2021, at 06:48 AM
