SimpleTab < Skins > Sinorca   (talk? | users | test page | RWD? | set as default | unset | validate: HTML, CSS)

Summary: SimplyImpact provides a two column layout based on the blueprint-css-framework, which has to top navigation list and a tab for socialmedia buttons.
Status: beta
Version: 2010-02-21
Prerequisites: none
Maintainer: MatthiasGünther
Categories: Skins, PHP72


The first intention of this skin is it to present a simple layout for a homepage in which you can present you, give an overview of your projects. The second intention of the skin is the support of nearly all the browser out there and this acomplished through the use of the blueprint-css-framework. And last intention was to simply add the possibility to place buttons of socialmedia platforms on the front page.

The skin includes the following pages: Site.SiteNav at the top, Site.Socialmedia in the right part of the header, Group.SiteHeader or Site.SiteHeader, Group.SideBar or Site.SideBar on the right, Site.SiteNavAlt and Site.PageActions in the footer at the bottom.


  • easy to change
  • support many browsers
  • fixed two column layout

Download and Installation

  • download the simply_impact.zipΔ
  • copy simply_impact in the skin directory (normally pub/skins)
  • if you want to add a logo, just set the $PageLogoUrl = PATH_TO_YOUR_LOGO
  • add the following in your config.php to activate the skin: $Skin = 'simply_impact';

Browser Support

  • works under
    • msie 8.0++
    • opera 8.0++
    • galeon 2.0.4++
    • kazehakase 0.5.2++
    • konqueror 4.2++
    • firefox
    • epiphany 2.22++
    • flock 2.5++
    • k-melon 1.50++
    • iceweasel 2.0++
    • seamonkey 1.1.12++
    • safari 4.0++
    • navigator 8.1.3++ (Netscape)
    • Chrome 3.0++


  • to be done



User notes : If you use, used or reviewed "SimplyImpact", you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Skins listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.

