
PmWiki makes it easy to develop and change "Skins" which alter the layout, look, and feel of the pages. You can preview available skins in the Skins Gallery in a reduced size or see how a test page looks with some assorted markup. (The old test page is still available, and here's another one.)

If you've developed a skin for PmWiki that you'd like to share, feel free to add it on the Skins Gallery! Be sure to look at skin guidelines for suggestions about creating skins that others can use.

See variables


  • Skin Guidelines   A set of tips for skin design and packaging skins for distribution


 pages related to skins, used in page lists on several pages
2016 skinResponsive skin very close to the default skin (20160823 Superseded by PmWiki-responsive)Skins, RWD, Mobile, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72 +1
ABitModernPmWiki port of the template of the same name ( ) Skins +4
AcademianA tan skin with a gradient red header and brown highlights (0.6 (2013-11-08) ) Skins, PHP72 +2
Adapt SkinA mobile-friendly skin that adapts to suit the display size. (2017-09-26 Beta)Skins, RWD, CMS, Mobile, PHP55, PHP72 +6
AlalikeLoosely based on the A List Apart site ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
Amberresponsive mobile-friendly skin for all devices (2024-04-24 stable)Skins, RWD, Mobile, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72, PHP81 +10
BarthelmeA minimalist skin where white space and margins can show culture and aestheticism, ported from the Barthelme Wordpress theme ( ) Skins, PHP72 +1
Blue FreedomA White skin with a blue header ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
BlixBlix is a two-column theme, with a top navigation tab bar, and traditional footer. (2.1.5 (31-Mar-2016) Active)Skins, BlogIt, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74 +21
Blog SkinA blog-oriented skin that emphasizes content, with an easy-to-read default font size and no graphical frills ( ) Skins Blog CMS PHP72 ?
BlueBerryxhtml 1.1 and css 2.0 conform blue skin (1.3 Stable)Skins, PHP72
BlueFurBlue Fur skin has kind of a 60's feel, rounded and reminiscent of bad shag carpet ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
BlueheadElegant looking white skin with a dark blue header and grey background ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
BluesThis skin has the blues ( ) Skins, PHP72
BoiraBoira skin (20111202 Alpha)Skins, PHP72 +5
BonnyBonny is a fully CSS-driven skin, 2 or 3-column layout, with variations in layout and appearance, and optional CMS mode. (0.07 beta)Skins PHP72 ?
BS-001 PmWiki skinThis is a dark theme intended to be a 'gaming' theme. It was converted from a php-nuke theme ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
Bs-002Bs-002 Skin - This is a theme is ported from a php-nuke theme for use with pmwiki. (v1 Added on 7 November 2015)Skins, PHP72 ?
ChoiceChoice is a two-column theme, with a top navigation tab bar, and traditional footer. (1.1.3 (31-Mar-2016) Active)Skins, BlogIt, PHP55, PHP82 +6
CinnamonClean skin with red, brown and gray highlights ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
ClassicResponsive skin designed for classic-sf and folk song websites. (2020-01-20 stable)Skins, RWD, Mobile, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72 ?
CleanSimpleThis is a Clean & Simple skin, previously named Choice. I have improved it. (1.0 New)Skins ?
ColorimetryColorimetry is a two-column theme, with a top navigation tab bar, and traditional footer. (1.2.3 (31-Mar-2016) Active)Skins, BlogIt, PHP55 +5
Default Skin Without TableThis skin replaces the HTML table of the default skin with divs. (2014-06-09 Proposed)Skins CSS +1
DropDownTabbed skin with drop down menu bar ( ) Skins ?
DropShadowDropShadow provides a simple two column interface, and includes top navigation tabs. (2.2.4 (31-Mar-2016) Active)Skins, PHP55 +17
EnlightenEnlighten is a two-column theme, several color options, fluid/fixed width, a top navigation tab bar, and traditional footer. (1.1.3 (31-Mar-2016) Active)Skins, BlogIt, PHP55, PHP82 +14
EquilibriumEquilibrium is a blog-oriented skin, with a focus on simplicity. Along with the typical sidebar and top navigation tabs, this skin presents blog summaries in column oriented, rather than the traditional vertical layout. (1.2.3 (31-Mar-2016) Active)Skins, Blog, BlogIt, PHP55 +9
Evolvera skin that demonstrates how to seamlessly integrate both UserAuth and CMSLike, based upon the OSWD Evolver design ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
FixFlowHighly configurable skin with many color-schemes, plus optional RightBar, plus fixed or flowing SideBar, on left or right (2023-02-24 Stable)Skins PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 +9
FlckrTabless skin, inspired by the layout and colors of the site ( Stable)Skins, PHP72 ?
FlexiExtremly flexible skin; created to make final design via CSS; All contents through separate wiki documents ((14-Oct-2015) Active)Skins Skins +4
GeminiHighly configurable skin with many color-schemes, plus optional RightBar (2023-02-24 Stable)Skins PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 Skins +3
GlossyHueGlossyHue provides a simple two column interface, and includes top navigation tabs, and a three-section footer. (2.2.3 (31-Mar-2016) Active)Skins, PHP55. BlogIt +10
GraynessAa blue and gray skin that is easy on the eyes in most lighting conditions ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
GreaseMinimalistic skin inspired by the Dive Into Greasemonkey online book. (20070125 Stable)Skins +1
GreenTableless skin in green. (2007-07-13 stable)Skins +2
IPMWikiMobile skin for IPhone viewing and editing of PMWiki (2010-06-29 stable)Skins Mobile +3
JHTabs skin based on a PmWiki customisation by James Home ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
JHMPMore tabs skin based on a PmWiki customisation by James Home with Mac-like images ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
KaylenKaylen is a dark and modified version of the default PmWiki skin. ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
LeanA clean, minimalist skin that was created with usability in mind ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
LeavesA skin using light tones of orange, gray and white ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
LensSuper customisable skin with most skin furniture, such as the footer and action list, stored in wikipages ( ) Skins, CustomPageStore, PHP72 +1
LightA more configurable CMS-friendly derivative of Lean Skin with many changes ( ) Skins ?
LinesSkin for a website where PmWiki is used as a CMS-System for easy website maintenance, not be easily seen that it's based on a Wiki ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
Lt9602Finnish design, idealistic, "Clean", compact and simple skin inspired by Lean and ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
MaguilaTableless skin for PmWiki based on design by Haran from OSWD. (2007-11-06 mantained)Skins +3
MarathonA lean and clean ski with a TopNav bar ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
MarbleA dark marble background with a semi-transparent appearance for the wiki content ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
MarineeMarinee is based on Green Marinee by Ian Main. (2.2.1 (25-Feb-2016) Active)Skins, PHP55 +17
MinimousMinimous is a two-column theme, with a top navigation tab bar, and traditional footer; width of content and sidebar are adjustable; 8 different color variations. (1.0.5 (31-Mar-2016) Active)Skins, BlogIt, PHP55 +2
MobilePlain vanilla PmWiki responsive template that is compatible with mobile devices. (18-Nov-2011 Active)Skins Mobile RWD PHP72 +2
MonobookMakes PmWiki look like MediaWiki/Wikipedia (2009-02-23 Stable)Skins, WikipediaSuite, PHP72 +1
Mousean HTML5 skin using wiki pages to define page elements (2012-09-15 abandoned)Skins, PHP72 ?
Neattableless skin with blue and gray colors, inspired by sinorca and roundflow skins. (2006-09-13 mantained)Skins, PHP72 ?
NetstreamsA skin entirely based on editable skin sections with a desktop-application like menu and php generated css files wich allows one to use a simple colorscheme. (009bX Experimental)Skins ?
NeutralA 2007 proposition to be the default distribution skin for 2.2 ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
NewsPaperWordPress skin adapated for PmWiki. (2006-10-02 mantained)Skins, PHP72
NightA dark skin with green highlights ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
Not2Simplefork of already excellent NotSoSimple skin which adds a new CSS based multi level popup menu ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
Notebook-NTSimple div (no table) version of default PmWiki skin. (2.4.2-20241027 stable)Skins PHP55 PHP72 PHP74 PHP81
NotSoSimpleThe 'simple' skin with the added width to 900px, and Site.SideBar on the left side ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
PapyrusA simple skin, inspired by Parchment. Responsive / mobile-friendly. (2022-03-04 maintained)Skins Mobile RWD HTML5 PHP72 ?
ParchmentA tan skin with brown hilights and mimics aged papyrus for its background ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
PhotoGalleryPhotoGallery is focused around the presentation of pictures, images, and photographs. It provides a basic tab navigation, and markup to ease the creation of albums. Designed to be used in conjunction with pmGallery and Galleria. (0.4.1 (25-Feb-2016) Active)Skins, PHP55 +2
PhpNetThe look, shamelessly modified version of Lean skin ( ) ?
PlainA skin that emphasizes content, with an easy-to-read default font size and no graphical frills ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
PlainBlog SkinA blog-oriented skin that emphasizes content, with an easy-to-read default font size and no graphical frills ( ) Skins Blog ?
PmWiki-Divspure css based skin in the style of the pmwiki default skin (2006-09-03 stable)Skins, PHP72 Skin ?
Pmwiki-dt (A simple tableless skin for PmWiki)Simple div(no table) version of default PmWiki skin. (2.4.2-20241027 stable)Skins PHP55 PHP72 PHP74 PHP81 Skin ?
PmWiki-responsive skinResponsive skin shipped with PmWiki (pmwiki-2.4.3 Production)Skins, RWD, Mobile, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72 +6
PmWiki2BarsThis skin is a simple extension of PmWiki's default skin to add another side bar on the right side. (0.2 stable)Skins, PHP72 ?
PmWikiV1The skin used in PmWiki version 1 and the PmWiki version 2 beta series ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
RecurveA tab driven skin for PmWiki (20150717 Stable)Skins PHP55 ?
RedBerryxhtml 1.1 and css 2.0 conform blue skin (1.0 Stable)Skins, PHP72 ?
RoseTrellis SkinA CMS-style skin. Action links are hidden. (2006-11-01 Working, but not fully-featured)Skins, PHP72 ?
RoundedA blue and white skin which is great for blogs ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
RoyaleA light skin with a gradient purple header and gold highlights (0.5 (2013-11-14) ) Skins, PHP72 ?
SchlaeferTwoOriginally developed for ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
Simplaa clean, minimalist skin ported from Wordpress ( ) Skins ?
SimpleSidebar accessible available through popup menu to save valuable space, minimal menu ( ) Skins, PHP81, PHP72 +2
SimpleTabFor a website with menu tabs for groups without making it look like a conventional wiki ( ) Skins, PHP72 +2
SimplyImpactSimplyImpact provides a two column layout based on the blueprint-css-framework, which has to top navigation list and a tab for socialmedia buttons. (2010-02-21 beta)Skins, PHP72
SinorcaTableless skin, based on sinorca skin by Haran. (2006-11-24 Beta)Skins, PHP72 +2
SkidooSkidoo provides a simple, low distraction interface with rapid (no page refreshes) access to a whole bunch of stuff. I use it for the various wiki's I use for note taking on a daily basis. (1.0.6 (12-Jun-2010) Active)Skins +7
SkinChangechange skin via query or cookie setting (pmwiki-2.4.3 Stable)Skins Layout PHP72
SkinChangesExample of skin changes for Triad skin ( )Skins ?
SkinConfigDefine interactively (via a wiki page) the main parameters of a skin (0.7 - 13 October 2007 )Skins, Layout, GUI ?
Skin GuidelinesA set of tips for skin design and packaging skins for distribution (2007-07-21 Stable)Skins, CSS, Layout, CustomPageStore, PHP72 ?
Skin Test PageTest any skin on this page ( ) ?
SkinTestsUse this page to set the PmWiki skin to one from a skin recipe ( )Skins ?
SkittlishSkittlish allows site visitors to choose between fixed and fluid width, and between seven candy-inspired colours for the sidebar. (1.2.2 (31-Mar-2016) Active.)Skins, Blog, BlogIt, PHP55 +14
SomaA colorful, simple and functional skin, using tables and css ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
SomethingCorporatecrossbrowser CSS layout from oswd ( ) Skins Skins2Col PHP72 ?
SsofbJoomlaRhukA CSS based skin with a choice of six colors, based on a Joomla template. (1.2.1304 maintained )Skins, PHP72 ?
SteamportThree-Column or Two-Column, Responsive Skin, with Group specific, and (SQL) Table features. (2019.09.22 Maintained)Skins, PHP72, Mobile ?
StrippedA skin intended for hunting bugs in HTML generation ( ) ?
Technobabbletester on graphic web design template (1.0 Stable)Skins, PHP72 +1
TestPageDirectivesTool for easy testing of your skin under various directives (20160702 stable)Skins, CSS, Layout ?
TextPatternA skin for sites that use rather small text areas such as poetry, short stories, etc, inspired by TextPattern ( ) Skins ?
TriadHighly configurable skin with 3-column layout with full-width header and footer (2023-02-24 Stable)Skins PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 +13
TrishA white skin with a gradient blue header, blue highlights and a fancy background ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
TwitterBootstrapAdapted PmWiki skin to use Twitter Bootstrap ( )CSS Skins PHP72 PHP74 Skins +3
UselessTuesdayA bit narrow, dominated by dark blue ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
Vanilla5Vanilla5 is a simple HTML5 compliant skin for PmWiki v2+ (20180226 )Skins Mobile RWD PHP72 +6
VectorClone of the Vector skin for MediaWiki (used on Wikipedia since 2010) (0.9.4 (2023-06-08) maintained)Skins, WikipediaSuite, HTML5, Mobile, RWD, PHP72 ?
WikiLoveA modification of the default skin with a nice clean look ( ) Skins, PHP72 ?
Yaml132Highly configurable skin with 3-column layout (optional css hiding of any column) based on YAML framework (2009-05-17 Stable)Skins ?
YAMLForthHighly configurable skin with fixed-width 2-column layout based on the YAML 3.3 framework (2.1.1 (2010-12-05) Stable)Skins +2
  • Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.

Obsolete skins

BeeblebroxNetGilaBased on gila by haran, for a more modern version of this skin, see Skins.Maguila ( ) Skins Obsolete ?
BitterLemonTableless, left side-bar skin based on IGIENISTA DENTALE template by Arcsin. (20090419 )Skins Obsolete
NotebookAn effective way to organize your notes, a simple modification of default skin, with the use of HorizontalMenu and InfoBox ( ) Skins Obsolete ?
Notebook2Based on Notebook skin, with the use of phplayersmenu-3.2.0, for dropdown menus, deprecated ( ) ?
PukkaFloatA skin carefully designed to work for everyone, deprecated in favour of Lens ( ) Skins Obsolete ?
  • Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.

Skins hosted elsewhere

To find skins for PmWiki v.1a, see Cookbook-V1.Skins. If you'd like to use one of them with PmWiki 2, most of them will probably work fine with a little modification and help from Changes from PmWiki 1.

Discussion: see Skins-Talk

Categories: Skins Design CSS Summary