Soma < Skins > SsofbJoomlaRhuk (talk? | users? | test page | RWD? | set as default | unset | validate: HTML, CSS)
Something Corporate is a nice and (hopefully) crossbrowser CSS layout from oswd by "scenestar"
I improved the skin (thanks to firebug) and it's active here: http://o-s.ch
The skin works quite o.k. now, some adaptions still have to be done.
Features include:
to discuss
The skin is functional now, and can be adapted "easily". I haven't done a validation so far.
Download somethingcorporate.zipΔ, extract it into /path/to/pmwiki/pub/skins/
and add the following code to your local configuration file:
$Skin = 'sthcorp'; /* name of the folder in zipfile */