
(redirected from StefCTDemo.RandomCookbookPage)

Summary: Adds a datepicker button (use it with a date input field)
Version: 2015.02.05 / 1.04
Prerequisites: tested with pmwiki 2.2.1 and pmwiki 2.2.83
Status: beta
Maintainer: Knut Alboldt
Discussion: Datepicker-Talk
Categories: Forms, Fox, Calendar

Questions answered by this recipe

  • how can I add a date picker to my input fields ?


add's an date picker to an existing date-input-field. PmWiki-markup-wrapper to use the javascript-datapicker of Julian Robichaux

(:input text date1 size=12:)



Put the following files into your cookbook/ directory:

Put the following files into your pub/ directory, standard will be in an own subdirectory named "datepicker":


 +- cookbook/
 !  + datepicker.php
 +- pub/
    +- datepicker/
       + datepicker.js
       + datpickerselect.gif
       + datepicker-default.css  (and your own css-files)

Add the following statement to local/config.php:


language translation

You have to translate some pmwiki-strings via the Pmwiki(XX).XLPageLocal page, e.g. for the German version add the following lines to PmWikiDe.XLPageLocal:

    # für datepicker
   'select' => 'Datum auswählen'
   'today' => 'heute'
   'tomorrow' => 'morgen'
   'this month' => 'akt. Monat'
   'Today is' => 'heute ist'
   'close' => 'schliessen'
   'press to select date' => 'Auswahl des Datums aus Kalender'
   'Su' => 'So'
   'Mo' => 'Mo'
   'Tu' => 'Di'
   'We' => 'Mi'
   'Th' => 'Do'
   'Fr' => 'Fr'
   'Sa' => 'Sa'
   'Sunday' => 'Sonntag'
   'Monday' => 'Montag'
   'Tuesday' => 'Dienstag'
   'Wednesday' => 'Mittwoch'
   'Thursday' => 'Donnerstag'
   'Friday' => 'Freitag'
   'January' => 'Januar'
   'February' => 'Februar'
   'March' => 'März'
   'April' => 'Apil'
   'May' => 'Mai'
   'June' => 'Juni'
   'July' => 'Juli'
   'August' => 'August'
   'September' => 'September'
   'October' => 'Oktober'
   'November' => 'November'
   'December' => 'Dezember'

For the French version add the following lines to PmWikiFr.XLPageLocal:

 # pour datepicker
   'select' => 'Choisir'
   'today' => 'aujourd hui'
   'tomorrow' => 'demain'
   'press to select date' => 'appuyez ici pour choisir la date'
   'Su' => 'Dim'
   'Mo' => 'Lun'
   'Tu' => 'Mar'
   'We' => 'Mer'
   'Th' => 'Jeu'
   'Fr' => 'Ven'
   'Sa' => 'Sam'
   'Sunday' => 'Dimanche'
   'Monday' => 'Lundi'
   'Tuesday' => 'Mardi'
   'Wednesday' => 'Mercredi'
   'Thursday' => 'Jeudi'
   'Friday' => 'Vendredi'
   'January' => 'Janvier'
   'February' => 'Février'
   'March' => 'Mars'
   'April' => 'Avril'
   'May' => 'Mai'
   'June' => 'Juin'
   'July' => 'Juillet'
   'August' => 'Août'
   'September' => 'Septembre'
   'October' => 'Octobre'
   'November' => 'Novembre'
   'December' => 'Decembre'
   'Today is'  => 'Aujourd hui c est'
   'this month' => 'mois en cours'
   'close' => 'fermer'

Feel free to add your translations here.

optional Image-Buttons

If you want to use a image-button instead of a text-button add an image file to your farm's pub-directory (specified in $FarmPubDirUrl) and define the absolute path in the variable $DatepickerImg (in your config.php, see below).

  • sample image :

You can put this also in a subdirectory of the farm's pub-dir.

sample datepicker with image-button:
sample datepicker with text-button:

global setup-variables

You can set the following global variables in your config-file to overwrite the defaults:

# url of where datepicker-files (accessible form webbrowser) are placed (must NOT end with an / )
 $DatepickerDirUrl = "$FarmPubDirUrl/datepicker");

# Style of datepicker-box can be changed in these files:
 $DatepickerCSS = 'datepicker-default.css';

# use image instead of text-button, iconfile must be placed in pub-dir
 $DatepickerImg = ''; // don't use image-buttons
 $DatepickerImg = "$DatepickerDirUrl/datepickerselect.gif"; // use image-buttons

# date formats
# see
 $DatepickerFormat = 'd.m.Y';
 $DatepickerFormat = 'Ymd'; 
 $DatepickerFormat = 'Y-m-d'; 
 $DatepickerFormat = 'd-m-Y'; 
 $DatepickerFormat = 'd/m/Y'; 
 $DatepickerFormat = 'm/d/Y'; 

Other formats require changes in the javascript code, tell me if you need other formats.

customizing CSS

You can modify the existing datepicker-default.css or add your own datepicker-myown.css files to modify the layout and appearance of the datepicker-window. If you want to use your own ccs-file, please change the name in the global var $DatepickerCSS (in your config.php, see above).

The inputbuttons can be customiyed using the class="inputbutton" in any other stylesheet (e.g. for fox).


The datepicker-markup is only useful within forms and in conjunction with an date-input-field.

(:input text fieldname ...:)(:datepicker field=fieldname ...:)

  • field=formfieldname - required, name of the corresonding input-text-field
  • button=today|tomorrow - optional, add an Button after the datepickerbutton to preset the dat-input-field with today's or tommorow's date
  • usetextbutton=1 - optional, force using a text-button even if a button-image is defined within the global variable DatepickerImg.
  • format=DATEFORMAT - optional, overwrites the date format of one box, values for legal formats see variable $DatepickerFormat above.


(the input-markup to define the required date-fields is not shown in the samples !)

Some basic error handling is coded:

  • if you use a wrong or not existing inputfieldname or if the field= parameter is missing:
  • if you use a wrong Dateformat (within the global variable $DatepickerFormat or in the markup-parameter format=):


Don't use a input-field-name twice on a wiki-page, even in different forms, it can't be handled by this recipe.

I know this recipe might be obsolete in the near future when every webbrowser is capable of using the HTML5-features which includes more sophisticated form-inputs - like an buildin datepicker. I think the latest Opera-browser already implements datepickers in input-fields ... have to check this.

to be done

  • pmwiki-code-generation: the javascript and css code is placed on every pmwiki-page, would be nice to restrict the code-generation to the pages containing the datapicker-markup (how to ?)
  • pmwiki-language-tanslatons: some more translations, please add the sections of the PmWikiXX.XLpageLocal for your language
  • javascript-code: check the entered date-values, it could be restricted to a certain period etc
  • javascript-code: try to interpret incomplete date values like 1-8 or 10/2010
  • javascript-code: add a year-selector (+/- year)
  • javascript-code: add some parameter can say the weeks start on mondays (suggestion from Jiri)
  • javascript-code: the week numbers are displayed in the left/right column (suggestion from Jiri)

Release notes

first implementation
further enhancements and error corrections, thanks to Hans B!
added class="inputbutton" to the <input>-tags (suggestion from Hans B)
adapted markup for PHP5.5+ and French translation (Farvardin

See also


  • Knut Alboldt
  • Julian Robichaux wrote the original javascript code
  • Hans B, thank you for testing


See discussion at Datepicker-Talk

User notes +1: If you use, used or reviewed this recipe, you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Cookbook listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.