Test /
Test,... one, two, three,... test?
PmWiki Test cases and examples. A list of all test pages. Test pages are used to examine PmWiki functionality
The test pages (all with a $:Summary ):
00962 Test of a local customisation to meet PITS:00962
50AllRecentChanges Experimenting with new designs for the recent changes list.
AddLinkBookmarklet This is the Cookbook:AddLinkBookmarklet test page
AlternativeViewProposal Functionality in skins, and recipe bundles
Anchor Test HTML generated by an anchor
AnchorLinks test the use of anchors for in page links
Anchors Examining the behaviour of anchors used in include directives
ARCSNoLocalTimes Includes Site.AllRecentChangesShort with the recipe Cookbook:LocalTimes disabled.
Attach Test attach markup
Attachment List pages with attachments (tests if "attachment" or "attachments")
AttachWithImage Test attach with image and following text
AttachWithSpaces Attachments and images with spaces in the file name
AuthListShort Authorisation permissions set report for big wikis
AuthorLink Text Author markup and page text variable
AutoTOC This page is for testing Cookbook:AutoTOC
BacklinksAndSecurity Test security and backlinks
BacklinksAndSecurityPublicPage Test security and backlinks (this page is unprotected and should be visible)
BaseC We're all doomed!
BasicEditing PmWiki's basic edit syntax
BeginningMiddleEnd Test page for PITS. 01049
Blocks Test block markup
CategoryReferences Showing Category links
CenteredInterMapImage Test image placement
Comments illustrate comment markup
ConditionTest testing conditional expressions
CookbookSideBar Test performance of a generated Cookbook:SideBar?
CopyPasteCalendar Performance testing of different pagelist markups for Copy Paste Calendar - please see CopyPasteCalendar-Talk#optimize for further explanation
CopyPasteCalendar2 Performance testing of different pagelist markups for Copy Paste Calendar - please see CopyPasteCalendar-Talk#optimize for further explanation
CopyPasteCalendar3 Performance testing of different pagelist markups for Copy Paste Calendar - please see CopyPasteCalendar-Talk#optimize for further explanation
CopyPasteCalendar4 New, alternate version of CopyPasteCalendar. Much shorter code due to usage of pagelists, but apparently, performance suffers somewhat, compared with current version CopyPasteCalendar2
Count fmt=count does count non existing pages ; how to exclude non existing pages ?
CreatingNewPages How to create a new page
CSS Testing PmWiki CSS formatting
CSSClearProperty How to use CSS clear property to clear left or right only
Divend demonstrate some block markup (and inconsistencies)
Divs markup examples
DocumentationXref Cross reference from pages in the 2.2.0-beta31 distribution, starting with pages listed in "### Page locations" of XLPageTemplate
DraftRestore Restoring to a prior published state fails after saving drafts and publishing
EditForm4 (:ef changesummary:) \\
EditNoLeft Remove left sidebar when editing
EmptyCategory A pagelist to display empty category pages
ExoticSectionNames Searching for the real boundaries of valid anchor/section names.
Ftime Testing the MarkupExpression ftime
GroupTrail Test markup for a pagelist group trail
HeadingAndPre Test of Heading and preformatted markup
HiddenLink Test whether hidden links are visible to pagelists when conditional has a number
IfDate Test if date conditional markup
IfIndented Test if in indented situations
IfLink Try If Link conditional markup
Image Test image markup with tool tips and captions
ImageCaption Test images linked with link in a caption
ImageHeightWidth test Height and Width wiki styles work with attached images
IncludeAndAnchor Testing includes and anchors
IncludeCategory Test if included text can create a category on a page
IncludeCategorySource Test if included text can create a category on a page
IncludedSection Test Included sections
IncludeFromOther This page tests including a subparagraph from another page, and include from multiple pages
IncludeFromSelf This page tests including a subparagraph from this page.
IncludeFromSelfPage Testing to include from the same page as the location of the include statement
IncludeFromSelfPage2 Testing to include from the same page as the location of the include statement
IncludeLength testing IncludeOtherPages lines parameter
IncludeLength2 Companion page to Test.IncludeLength
IncludeOtherPages Examine some of the include from other pages constructs
IncludeVariable Test the inclusion of variables from one page to another (page one)
IncludeVariable2 Test the inclusion of variables from one page to another (page two)
IncludeVars2 Test transcludes with variable parameters
IncludeWithVariable Test Include other pages with variable
InputDefault2 TEST TEST TEST
InputElementTitle "title" attribute to input form elements
Keywords show keywords and title for Test Keywords
LinkTitle Test of link title (tool tip) and # syntax
LinkTitles This page demonstrates the use of titles in links
ListBasicAudiencePages Pages for the basic author audience
ListMainPages Here are listed pages in the Main group that may need to be de-sanbdboxed.
MarkupExpressions Try embedded Markup Expressions
MarkupExprPlus Extends {(...)} expression markups
MarkupExprPlusAnomalies Some odd results returned by the Markup Expr Plus recipe.
ModuleGuidelines-Old Outline of ideas for people who want to create and maintain cookbook recipes.
Monospace Test monospace markup
NestedInclude Test nested included text using a PageList
NestedInclude1 Part of Nested Include test
NestedInclude2 Part of Nested Include test
NestedInclude3 Part of Nested Include test
NestTableAndDiv Experiments with nesting tables and divs
Nofollow Verifying where "rel='nofollow'" is included
ObsoleteSkinList Trying to determine why non-obsolete skins are included in this list
Orongorongo redirect to Ōrongorongo
PageIndex This page exists to test and benchmark the page indexing facilities.
PagelistAcrossGroups Test that pagelist output sorts page names correctly when multiple groups included
PagelistByCategory List pages by their categories
PagelistDefaults testing pagelist using template defaults
PagelistExample test from mailing list
PageListGrouping attempt to group pages by page name
PagelistIfOntrail Test whether Ontrail conditional can be used in a pagelist
PageListJoinLine Joined lines in a pagelist
PageListLastModified Pagelist by date modified
PagelistLink Test a pagelist with link=
PageListLinkWithPtv1 Links inside PTVs?
PageListLinkWithPtv2 test page for PageListLinkWithPtv1
PageListLinkWithPtv3 test page for PageListLinkWithPtv1
PageListLinkWithPtv4 test page for PageListLinkWithPtv1
PageListLinkWithPtv5 test page for PageListLinkWithPtv1
PagelistParameterVariables Test the usage of PageLists variables? as parameters
PagelistRecentChanges RecentChanges emulation with pagelist directives
PageListRecursionLink Test a recursive page list using link
PageListRecursionTrail Test a recursive page list using trail
PagelistSortName Test pagelist sort across groups
PageListSortPTV Test pagelist with PTV sort
PagelistSortVariable Making pagelists more useful
PagelistTemplateRequest Test the effect of requesting fmt when pagelist request=1
PageListTrailNot Test if you can exclude pages in a trail
PageTextVariables Testing the functionality of page text variables, especially leading and trailing spaces, and construction of variable names
PageUrlVar Testing value of {$PageUrl} and {*$PageUrl} when included in other page
PageVariable Test use of Page Variables in link
PageVariable-Talk Discussion of PageVariable
PageVariableInPageList Test using page variable in pagelist parameter
PitsFormCheckVersionInput Can we do even better than the new "Latest:" button next to the version field?
PmSyntax Tests for a PmWiki syntax highlighter
PmSyntaxHighlighting Test PmSyntax highlighting
ProtectEmail Testing
Ptv Testing PmWiki.page text variables in PmWiki.PageLists
PTV example selection by PTV in pagelist
PTVarEscape XYZ <pre> DEF
PTVAudience Display PmWiki pages with an audience
PTVBulleted Test PTV expanded with a bullet
PtvDisplay Testing display of PmWiki.page text variables in PmWiki.PageLists
PTVInclude Test included Page Text Variables from another page
PTVInclude2 Test included Page Text Variables from another page
PTVinPagelist Using negated ptv in pagelist
PTVStyle Test odd behaviour of PTVS when expanded in block markup
RedirectAnchor Test Redirect to anchor
RedirectToAnotherPage Test redirecting to another page (Test.ThisPageDoesNotExist?).
RedirectToGroup Redirect to PITS/
RedirectToGroup2 Redirect to PITS
RelativeLengths test CSS relative lengths
Search Simple test of search
SearchBox Testing search box with value parameter
SearchResults compare searchresults and pageLists
SideBarList Try to create a Page List Template that colours alternate items using wiki styles with css3 selectors
SimpleTablesAndPagelists example showing pagelist not executing in columns 2 and 3 of a simple table
SiteHomePage Website configuration - this page is proposed for Site.Site replacement
SiteMap Test the Cookbook:PagelistSiteMap website map recipe
SkinTestAssortment A skin test page
SkinTestBlockMarkups Test Block markups for Test.SkinTestAssortment
SkinTestCompact Test any skin on this page
SkinTestForms Test Form markups for Test.SkinTestAssortment
SkinTestHeadings Test heading markup for Test.SkinTestAssortment
SkinTestImages Test image markup for Test.SkinTestAssortment
SkinTestLists Test list markup for Test.SkinTestAssortment
SkinTestMenu Menu for Test.SkinTestAssortment
SkinTestSelectSkin List of skins for Test.SkinTestAssortment
SkinTestTables Test table markup for Test.SkinTestAssortment
SkinTestText Test of Text markup for Test.SkinTestAssortment
SpacesInMarkups In (:markup: ) s, although lines with leading spaces render correctly, one leading space is lost in the (:markup: ) source block. This makes the Whitespace Rules in PmWiki.TextFormattingRules confusing.
SpecialReferencesSource Examples of Special References
SpecialReferencesTarget Examples of Special References
StyleClass Testing consistency between simple tables, table directives, >><<, and (:div:) block styling.
TableAndImage Demonstration of placement of tables to left and right of an image
TableHeaders Testing the new (:headnr:) and (:head:) table directives
TitleTest Demonstrate parsing error of [+ and title shortcut in a link
Trail Look at the GroupHeader trail wiki style
TrailIndex set up a wiki trail index for testing
WikiStyle Testing wiki styles
XYTrail Testing trails with anchors
Ōrongorongo Page with unicode page name
Most recent testsWikiStyle Testing wiki styles
PmSyntaxHighlighting Test PmSyntax highlighting
Attach Test attach markup
CSS Testing PmWiki CSS formatting
ListBasicAudiencePages Pages for the basic author audience
BasicEditing PmWiki's basic edit syntax
CreatingNewPages How to create a new page
SimpleTablesAndPagelists example showing pagelist not executing in columns 2 and 3 of a simple table
Ftime Testing the MarkupExpression ftime
PageIndex This page exists to test and benchmark the page indexing facilities.
Orongorongo redirect to Ōrongorongo
Ōrongorongo Page with unicode page name
| Please add a summary to all new Test pages
SpacesInMarkups In
(:markup: ) s, although lines with leading spaces render correctly, one leading space is lost in the (:markup: ) source block. This makes the Whitespace Rules in PmWiki.TextFormattingRules confusing.