
I'd like to be able to use the :term:definition markup, and add anchors for the term's definition, so that I can elsewhere include the definition without also including the term itself. This almost works, but the spacing's a problem.

For reference, here's the normal :term:definition markup, without anchors.


Here it is if I put the first anchor between :term: and definition.

:Term:[[#onerow]] Definition

The above is good, but now here's how that looks when I try to include the definition.

(:include Test/AnchorSpacing#onerow#onerowend:)

The above is good, but now here's how that looks when I try to include the definition.


So this syntax creates no exception to the rule that each anchor applies to the entire row on which it appears.

In that case, what if I force a linebreak after :term: and before the first anchor?

[[#tworow]] Definition

The above does give me the result I want when I include it (see below), but it also has an extra row between the term and the definition.

(:include Test/AnchorSpacing#tworow#tworowend:)


The above does give me the result I want when I include it (see below), but it also has an extra row between the term and the definition.


What if you use one slash instead of two slashes?

[[#threerow]] Definition

The above does give you the result you want when you include it (see below) and it also avoids the extra row between the term and the definition.

(:include Test/AnchorSpacing#threerow#threerowend:)

The above does give you the result you want when you include it (see below) and it also avoids the extra row between the term and the definition.


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