Examining the behaviour of anchors used in include directives
WORKING - has newlines, some text disappears unexpectedly
start anchor at start of line, end anchor embedded in following line
%red%this is some text
[[#start]] %green%and some text within an anchored section
%purple%next line still within anchor but doesn't appear [[#end]] %blue%and some text after it.
(:include {$FullName}#start#end:)
this is some text
and some text within an anchored section
next line still within anchor but doesn't appear and some text after it.
and some text within an anchored section
Non-working - start anchor is ignored
start anchor at embedded in line, end anchor embedded in following line
%red%this is some text [[#start1]] %green%and some text within an anchored section
%purple%next line still within anchor but doesn't appear [[#end1]] %blue% and some text after it.
(:include {$FullName}#start1#end1:)
this is some text and some text within an anchored section
next line still within anchor but doesn't appear and some text after it.
this is some text and some text within an anchored section
Non-working - start and end anchors are both ignored
start anchor and end anchor embedded in the same line
%red%this is some text [[#start2]] %green%and some text within an anchored section [[#end2]] %blue%and some text after it.
[[#end2]] (closing duplicated anchor necessary to avoid recursive includes)
(:include {$FullName}#start2#end2:)
this is some text and some text within an anchored section and some text after it.
(closing duplicated anchor necessary to avoid recursive includes)
this is some text and some text within an anchored section and some text after it.
Start anchor and end anchor with following text
start anchor and end anchor on separate lines each with following text
[[#start3]] %green% start anchor followed by text
[[#end3]] %blue% end anchor followed by text
(:include {$FullName}#start3#end3:)
start anchor followed by text
end anchor followed by text
start anchor followed by text
Start anchor and end anchor with preceding text
start anchor and end anchor on separate lines each preceded by text
%red%start anchor preceded by text [[#start4]]
%purple%end anchor preceded by text [[#end4]]
(:include {$FullName}#start4#end4:)
start anchor preceded by text
end anchor preceded by text
start anchor preceded by text
This behaviour is intentional.
It's that way to handle the case where anchors appear after some other start-of-line markup, such
as bullet or numbered lists:
# [[#start9]] first item
# second item
# third item
# [[#end9]] fourth item
(:include {$FullName}#start9#end9:)
- first item
- second item
- third item
- fourth item
- first item
- second item
- third item