
Let's see what happens with bold and italic syntax DocuWiki?-style, when processed as an inline markup:

**bold words**
//italic words//

bold words italic words

I will probably have to mod the built-in bullet list syntax to require one or more spaces between the *s and the list item text.


Original markup

* This is ''old italic'' in a sentence.
* This is '''old bold''' in a sentence.
* This is '''''old bold italic''''' in a sentence.
  • This is old italic in a sentence.
  • This is old bold in a sentence.
  • This is old bold italic in a sentence.


* Here is a //basic test//
* Filepaths:
* Two filepaths: and
* Quoted and parenthesized:  
** Inside: He said "//hello//", (and said it //loudly//).
** Outside: He said //"hello",// (and //(I thought so anyway)// said it //loudly).//


**What about** bold at the start of a line when it's not a list? 
* Here is a **basic test**
**Is this a list item?  It **should** be.
* [=**=]This line is not bold**
* [==]**But this line is bold**
* **This is a bolded list item**

What about bold at the start of a line when it's not a list?

  • Here is a basic test
    • Is this a list item? It should be.
  • **This line is not bold**
  • But this line is bold
  • This is a bolded list item
Quoted and parenthesized:  \\
Inside: He said "**hello**", (and said it **loudly**). \\
Outside: He said **"hello",** (and **(I thought so anyway)** said it **loudly).** \\
Sequences of asterisks ************** (I don't use these and don't care if they don't work) \\
Math formulas, as in [=3 * (a + b * c)=] producing 3 * (a + b * c) ( may be used occasionally)

Quoted and parenthesized:
Inside: He said "hello", (and said it loudly).
Outside: He said "hello", (and (I thought so anyway) said it loudly).
Sequences of asterisks ************** (I don't use these and don't care if they don't work)
Math formulas, as in 3 * (a + b * c) producing 3 * (a + b * c) ( may be used occasionally)

Bold Italic

* This is **//bold italic//** in a sentence.
* Quoted and parenthesized, italic inside: 
** Inside: He said "**//hello//**", (and said it **//loudly//**).
** Outside: He said **//"hello",//** (and **//(I thought so anyway)//** said it **//loudly).//**
* Quoted and parenthesized, bold inside: 
** Inside: He said "//**hello**//", (and said it //**loudly**//).
** Outside: He said //**"hello",**// (and //**(I thought so anyway)**// said it //**loudly).**//
* Bold + italic combinations:
** italic inside: **//bolditalic1//**
** bold inside: //**bolditalic2**//
** overlap1: //to **boldly// go where no man...**
** overlap2: **to //boldly** go where no man...//
  • This is bold italic in a sentence.
  • Quoted and parenthesized, italic inside:
    • Inside: He said "hello", (and said it loudly).
    • Outside: He said "hello", (and (I thought so anyway) said it loudly).
  • Quoted and parenthesized, bold inside:
    • Inside: He said "hello", (and said it loudly).
    • Outside: He said "hello", (and (I thought so anyway) said it loudly).
  • Bold + italic combinations:
    • italic inside: bolditalic1
    • bold inside: bolditalic2
    • overlap1: to boldly go where no man...
    • overlap2: to boldly go where no man...
Quoted and parenthesized, italic inside: \\
Inside: He said "**//hello//**", (and said it **//loudly//**). \\
Outside: He said **//"hello",//** (and **//(I thought so anyway)//** said it **//loudly).//**

Quoted and parenthesized, bold inside: \\
Inside: He said "//**hello**//", (and said it //**loudly**//). \\
Outside: He said //**"hello",**// (and //**(I thought so anyway)**// said it //**loudly).**// 

Quoted and parenthesized, italic inside:
Inside: He said "hello", (and said it loudly).
Outside: He said "hello", (and (I thought so anyway) said it loudly).

Quoted and parenthesized, bold inside:
Inside: He said "hello", (and said it loudly).
Outside: He said "hello", (and (I thought so anyway) said it loudly).

Bold + italic combinations: \\
italic inside: **//bolditalic1//** \\
bold inside: //**bolditalic2**// \\
overlap1: //to **boldly// go where no man...** \\
overlap2: **to //boldly** go where no man...// \\

Bold + italic combinations:
italic inside: bolditalic1
bold inside: bolditalic2
overlap1: to boldly go where no man...
overlap2: to boldly go where no man...

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