Test /
The page count format became part of PmWiki core as of 2.2.0 beta51
There are (:pagelist group={$Group} list=normal fmt=count:) pages in this {$Group} group | There are 1119 pages in this Test group |
There are (:pagelist group={$Group} list=normal fmt=#count:) pages in this {$Group} group | There are 1119 pages in this Test group |
There are (:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#count wrap=none :) pages in this {$Group} group | There are 1119 pages in this Test group |
There are (:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#count wrap=html :) pages in this {$Group} group | There are 1119 |
There are (:pagelist group={$Group} fmt=#count wrap=inline:) pages in this {$Group} group | There are 1119 pages in this Test group |